The Pollucite stone beings inspired this sharing. They came individually and in circles joined by blood red rubies and soft green peridot to sing a song of shattering patterns. What a beautiful time of year for this song to be heard as it is the beginning of a new year. Not just any year ... 2012 is considered by many to be a very important year.
Pollucite’s song was mirrored in a personal inner journey that I am guided to share with you here. I don’t usually offer so much of my personal story, but I am trusting that there is purpose in this offering.
I journeyed inwards to a “sacred space” that I created in my inner world. It was quiet and felt empty. It felt deserted. Usually there is at least one of my guides waiting there for me; or their presence is felt somehow. Even when I am there by myself, I feel a warmth and comfort in being in this place. This time was different. I felt alone. Really alone. It was uncomfortable. I was overcome by sadness. Then from out of the emptiness, my guides began to turn up. One after another. I was overjoyed to see them. This was quite an awakening for me, because that momentary quiet held a deep message. That I was not alone. I was never alone and those times when I felt the most alone, are actually the moments where I receive the most support. That support might not come in human form - but it is there and it is powerful. What a gift that was and if I’d left my inner world right then and not ventured further, it would have been enough. However, even though I might have been happy to end there, there was to be more to this journey. That was just the beginning.
I received an image ... It was an image of a blue glass vase shattering. I saw all sorts of shattered glass all over the floor of a room (representing my throat chakra). It was sort of like getting a psychic flash - you know a glimpse of what was to come before it happened. A premonition within a meditation of an upcoming event within that meditation. I didn’t know why I was given that image and I still don’t.
Next, a small glass house appeared floating in mid air. It was quite beautiful - it was Victorian in it’s structure - but it was completely transparent and very open inside. Victorian architecture is actually quite deep and rich and contains many separate and closed off areas - so this open glass house was quite the contrast to that. I shrunk down in size so that I could go into the house and Hummingbird came to give me a ride in. There was no doorway. She took me to the underside of the house, which was completely open. There was a ladder extending up into the house for me to climb up and gain entrance.
After I climbed in, the first thing that showed up was a woman - very prim and proper and like a school teacher. Now that I think of it - she was very Victorian - which goes to show that everything - each detail - holds many connections. She said to me ...
“What were you thinking!”
She repeated it over and over ...
“What were you thinking!”
It was a reprimand about something I’d said. This sparked what I believe was a buried memory. I think that somewhere in my life, or one of my lives, I made a pact with myself in a moment similar to the one that was being replayed for me, to THINK before I speak. To analyze and censor and edit EVERYTHING that came into my thoughts before I let them rise out through MY THROAT. It seems that right then, at that moment, I cut my throat off from my heart ... I’d isolated it. NO WONDER I FELT ALONE!!!!
I continued on. I saw another figure ... He was an englishman I believe and he had a giant smile. Kind of reminded me of the cheshire cat. I don’t know much about the Cheshire cat and it wasn’t until I was writing all this down that I remembered that he is a character from Alice in Wonderland. That’s the second Alice connection ... as before I went into the glass house - “MY WONDERLAND”, I needed to shrink down in size. I’ve come to see that Spirit reveals what needs to be revealed and and all I need to do is trust what comes through.
There was no stairway inside the house. The ladder that I climbed to get into the house extended right up through the house. I climbed this ladder to the 5th floor. I’d already seen the room so it wasn’t a surprise to me. I’d already seen the shattered glass. The glass fragments sparked a recollection of the Pollucite Crystal and the stone circles that sang a song of “shattering patterns”. So when I saw the shattered glass, I felt that message reflected in the broken pieces.
I received a message through my exploration of this glass house ...
to open up the throat, the rest of the house
must be “open” ... CLEAR ... transparent.
That is the only way that I would be able to speak clearly and purely from my heart. That’s not to say that I have to tell everyone everything all the time. It means that I do not close off the things that I want to say for fear of saying the wrong thing. And when there is an open connection between the heart and the throat, what I say will be much clearer and will be more likely to be perceived in the way that I intended.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
I see now that the feeling of being completely alone at the start of this journey was showing me something even deeper than I first realized. Something connected to the shattering glass and the broken patterns. I don’t know if I can do justice to the description but I will try. This isolated feeling was quite intense. It was a sense of ... well ... as if there was NOTHING there. I mean NOTHING. No other being. Not there or anywhere. It was a feeling of NOTHINGness. So when my friends began to emerge ... it was like a ... SHATTERING. A shattering of the silence. A shattering of the emptiness. A shattering of the illusion that I was alone. A broken pattern.
This experience came a couple of weeks ago. I’d been holding onto it, as I had the sense that it was not quite time to release it. Then the other day I was alone - more alone than I been in a very long time. I got a beautiful message about how the word “alone” breaks down into AL - ONE .... all is one!!!! I’ve never seen that before. I didn’t see it until I was truly ALONE. I also see why I was to wait until I got this message before I posted this journey! It was the PERIOD at the end of the sentence - the completion of the threads that stranded together to create this whole experience and the light that shone through to reveal the hidden folds.
I invite you all to share your own inner journeys with the the stone beings, if you feel guided to do so. I invite you to open up your heart and allow what you feel to flow out through your words. If you want a safe place to do so, I created a closed space on google groups. If you would like to come on by and share or just listen in and feel the support, send me your email address and I will send you an invitation to join the group. You can contact me through the song of stones website.
I want you all to know that, even though I don’t hear from all of you directly, I do feel your magnificent presence there in support of Song of Stones and I am ever grateful for that. I feel it all the more so after having this experience that was sparked by the Pollucite crystals and the circles they formed.