Thursday, December 29, 2011


The Pollucite stone beings
inspired this sharing.  They came individually and in circles joined by blood red rubies and soft green peridot to sing a song of shattering patterns.  What a beautiful time of year for this song to be heard as it is the beginning of a new year.  Not just any year ... 2012 is considered by many to be a very important year.

song was mirrored in a personal inner journey that I am guided to share with you here.  I don’t usually offer so much of my personal story, but I am trusting that there is purpose in this offering.

I journeyed
inwards to a “sacred space” that I created in my inner world.  It was quiet and felt empty.  It felt deserted.  Usually there is at least one of my guides waiting there for me; or their presence is felt somehow.  Even when I am there by myself, I feel a warmth and comfort in being in this place.  This time was different.  I felt alone.  Really alone.  It was uncomfortable.  I was overcome by sadness.  Then from out of the emptiness, my guides began to turn up.  One after another.  I was overjoyed to see them.  This was quite an awakening for me, because that momentary quiet held a deep message.  That I was not alone.  I was never alone and those times when I felt the most alone, are actually the moments where I receive the most support.  That support might not come in human form - but it is there and it is powerful.  What a gift that was and if I’d left my inner world right then and not ventured further, it would have been enough.  However, even though I might have been happy to end there, there was to be more to this journey.  That was just the beginning.

I received an image ...
  It was an image of a blue glass vase shattering.  I saw all sorts of shattered glass all over the floor of a room (representing my throat chakra).  It was sort of like getting a psychic flash - you know a glimpse of what was to come before it happened.  A premonition within a meditation of an upcoming event within that meditation.  I didn’t know why I was given that image and I still don’t.

Next, a small glass house
appeared floating in mid air.  It was quite beautiful - it was Victorian in it’s structure - but it was completely transparent and very open inside.  Victorian architecture is actually quite deep and rich and contains many separate and closed off areas - so this open glass house was quite the contrast to that.  I shrunk down in size so that I could go into the house and Hummingbird came to give me a ride in.  There was no doorway.  She took me to the underside of the house, which was completely open.  There was a ladder extending up into the house for me to climb up and gain entrance. 

After I climbed in,
the first thing that showed up was a woman - very prim and proper and like a school teacher.  Now that I think of it - she was very Victorian - which goes to show that everything - each detail - holds many connections.  She said to me ...

“What were you thinking!”

She repeated it over and over ...

“What were you thinking!”

It was a reprimand
about something I’d said.  This sparked what I believe was a buried memory.  I think that somewhere in my life, or one of my lives, I made a pact with myself in a moment similar to the one that was being replayed for me, to THINK before I speak.  To analyze and censor and edit EVERYTHING that came into my thoughts before I let them rise out through MY THROAT.  It seems that right then, at that moment, I cut my throat off from my heart ... I’d isolated it.  NO WONDER I FELT ALONE!!!!

I continued on. 
I saw another figure ... He was an englishman I believe and he had a giant smile.  Kind of reminded me of the cheshire cat.  I don’t know much about the Cheshire cat and it wasn’t until I was writing all this down that I remembered that he is a character from Alice in Wonderland.  That’s the second Alice connection ... as before I went into the glass house - “MY WONDERLAND”, I needed to shrink down in size.  I’ve come to see that Spirit reveals what needs to be revealed and and all I need to do is trust what comes through.

There was no stairway
inside the house.  The ladder that I climbed to get into the house extended right up through the house.  I climbed this ladder to the 5th floor.  I’d already seen the room so it wasn’t a surprise to me.  I’d already seen the shattered glass.  The glass fragments sparked a recollection of the Pollucite Crystal and the stone circles that sang a song of “shattering patterns”.  So when I saw the shattered glass, I felt that message reflected in the broken pieces. 

I received a message
through my exploration of this glass house ...
 to open up the throat, the rest of the house
must be “open” ... CLEAR ... transparent. 

That is the only way
that I would be able to speak clearly and purely from my heart.  That’s not to say that I have to tell everyone everything all the time.  It means that I do not close off the things that I want to say for fear of saying the wrong thing.  And when there is an open connection between the heart and the throat, what I say will be much clearer and will be more likely to be perceived in the way that I intended.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I see now
that the feeling of being completely alone at the start of this journey was showing me something even deeper than I first realized.  Something connected to the shattering glass and the broken patterns.  I don’t know if I can do justice to the description but I will try.  This isolated feeling was quite intense.  It was a sense of ... well ... as if there was NOTHING there.  I mean NOTHING.  No other being.  Not there or anywhere.   It was a feeling of NOTHINGness.  So when my friends began to emerge ... it was like a ... SHATTERING.  A shattering of the silence.  A shattering of the emptiness.  A shattering of the illusion that I was alone.  A broken pattern.

This experience
came a couple of weeks ago.  I’d been holding onto it, as I had the sense that it was not quite time to release it.  Then the other day I was alone - more alone than I been in a very long time.  I got a beautiful message about how the word “alone” breaks down into AL -  ONE .... all is one!!!!  I’ve never seen that before.  I didn’t see it until I was truly ALONE.  I also see why I was to wait until I got this message before I posted this journey!  It was the PERIOD at the end of the sentence - the completion of the threads that stranded together to create this whole experience and the light that shone through to reveal the hidden folds.

I invite you
all to share your own inner journeys with the the stone beings, if you feel guided to do so.  I invite you to open up your heart and allow what you feel to flow out through your words.  If you want a safe place to do so, I created a closed space on google groups.  If you would like to come on by and share or just listen in and feel the support, send me your email address and I will send you an invitation to join the group.  You can contact me through the song of stones website.

I want you all to know
that, even though I don’t hear from all of you directly, I do feel your magnificent presence there in support of Song of Stones and I am ever grateful for that.  I feel it all the more so after having this experience that was sparked by the Pollucite crystals and the circles they formed.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Gifts come in many packages.  Often times it is not the actually physical object itself that is the gift - no matter how beautiful or practical or sophisticated or high tech it may be.  It’s the feeling that it brings that is the true gift.  Sometimes the gift is not so pretty.  Sometimes the feeling we get is not so pleasant.  Sometimes what comes through is fear and pain and when that’s the case, we don’t see a gift.  We see disharmony.  We see darkness.  We see that something is wrong.  Could it be that there is more here to see.  Could it be that from this darkness comes a gift so beautiful and so powerful that it could not come in any other way but through this passage through the blackness.  Could it be that it holds so much light itself that it would not be seen against a backdrop of light.

What does this have to do with crystals?  I’ll tell you.  Each and every one of the stone beings comes as a gift and with a gift.  It may not be what we might think of as a gift, but it is actually the truest form a gift can take in our world ... unconditional acceptance and love.  And those times that the gift comes through in darkness, it’s magic hidden beneath intense feelings of pain and fear and sometimes even panic, may be the most magical, profound and powerful of any gift.  The stone beings can show us that which we’ve buried deep in the blackness, put there to keep hidden those things we don’t want to face in order to spare ourselves some heartache.  They offer support in bringing those long forgotten fears up to the surface to be seen in a new light.  THAT is what true “healing” is all about.  It’s not about fixing something that we believe is wrong with us.  It’s about coming face to face with our self-labeled “flaws” and loving ourselves anyway.  It’s about seeing that those aspects of ourselves we’ve judged as imperfect are what make us who we are.  That’s one of the gifts the stone beings have for all of us.  They hold the frequency of love and complete acceptance, UNCONDITIONALLY.

So when you come across a crystalline spirit that causes an intense reaction within you, I invite you to take notice.  Allow yourself to entertain the possibility that hidden in the discomfort is a magical gift.  I don’t suggest that you dive in and explore  the uncharted waters until you feel ready.  Have patience with yourself.  It may not be time to come face to face with that particular facet of yourself which lies buried so deeply.  However, being aware of the choice that is “present”ed to you can help you to understand the feelings rising up inside yourself.  Only you can choose when to open up the gift you’re handed.

Please feel free to share some of the gifts you've received from a stone guide or crystalline being ... 

Friday, October 28, 2011


There are moments in my life that feel empty.  Where I feel a hole in my being - a hole in my heart.  They are moments where the ache of loneliness is so overwhelming that I can’t see past the blackness of that empty space.  It doesn’t matter how many people I have in my life at the time.  I feel completely alone.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but that dark empty part of myself called out to be filled.  That part of me prayed for relief from the ache that lived in these holes in my heart.  The Universe in her kind compassion answered a prayer I wasn’t even aware I had sent out.  This answer came in a box of stones.  I had no idea what had come with these stones, but I felt its power and fear rose up within me.  Truth is, I was so blind to this blessing that was unfolding, I didn’t even realize I was afraid.

I set the box aside unopened.  So strong was my fear that it remained sealed for YEARS!  It remained sealed until just recently when my fears eased just enough for me to hear these stones’ call to me ... enough for me to hear their song.  The fears eased up enough so that I could recognize them.  They eased up enough so that I could even allow myself to know that I was afraid.  Once I became aware, I was able to open the box.  This box of holey stones felt sacred to me.  They felt holy.  Talk about names holding double meanings!  After being in their presence for only moments, I was incredulous that I would have such a strong fear of such gentle, loving, beings.

Of course it wasn’t the stones I feared.  It was what the stones would reveal about myself that really scared me.  I didn’t want to know!.  I didn’t want to shake things up.  Everything was fine.  Why not let sleeping dogs lie.  This way I wouldn’t have to deal with the fall out.  You see, I didn’t understand yet the blessing that was to come from the song of these stones.  They were about to give me a git so profound, I’d be forever changed.

These loving gentle beings in all their wisdom were about to take me into the blackness of the holes I felt inside me and reveal a blessing.  These dark spaces which I’d been seeing as emptiness were not missing pieces in my life.  They were purposefully sculpted in the pattern of my being.  They were not holes, but openings.  A magical space which was preparing for a new creation.  These special stone beings took me inside these deep spaces and supported me in seeing them as the blessings that they are.  They helped me to transform my fear into wonder.

I shall be every grateful ....

Grateful for the silent prayer.

Grateful that the Universe was listening while I was hiding from her.

Grateful for the presence of these wondrous stone beings.

Grateful for the “holes” in my life!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Listening to the Song of Stones

A very dear customer asked me a question recently.  It was a deep question and required that I honour it from a deep place.  I realized that if one person was having this question that others might too and so I decided to answer the question in this month’s blog.

This friend was curious about how the songs came to me.   Do I hear words or receive images.  How is it that I perceive or receive the songs.  Despite my encouragement that she could listen to the songs of the stones herself, she feels that perhaps she needs to learn something or resolve a past issue or receive an attunement to be able to hear what I hear ... or that maybe it’s just not something she is able to do at all.  She felt that perhaps it came so naturally to me that I might not realize that others can’t do what I do.  A question also arose as to why sometimes in the songs, I use “we” when the song is coming from a single stone or other being (I sometimes listen to songs for Animals, or other beings).

I’ll try to answer these questions, as best I can.  I encourage your comments and any further questions on this subject or any others.

I’m going to begin by saying, though it may seem to you that listening to the songs comes easily and naturally to me, it was not always the case.  I also felt as you do, that others may be able do this “special” thing, but not me.  It was not so long ago that I felt this way.  I felt the same doubts and hesitations and fears that you feel when you open your heart in trust of yourself.  I say this with the utmost honesty and conviction ... I am not any more gifted, or intuitive, or aware, or spiritual than anyone else.  I have merely begun to trust.  I have merely released some of my doubts and fears.  I have merely stopped trying to do anything and opened up to being in the moment.

Every single time I listen to a song, the familiar doubts creep in. 

    “Who are you to presume to do this.” 

    “Who are you to think that you can do this.”

    “You should not have committed to listen to this song. 
     You can’t do it - just refund your client.” 

If I can stay still in the face of these Ego assaults, they fade into nothingness and the song begins.  Then, just as consistently and powerfully as these doubts and fears creep in each time, so too comes the appearance of the gifts that are a result of the patience of holding fast in myself and awaiting the treasure.

I can’t tell you exactly how the songs are perceived because they come in different ways.  Sometimes it’s an inner knowing.  Sometimes I hear a word or words.  Sometimes, I just write and the words flow out.  Sometimes I hear a song - a literal musical song like a top ten hit or something.  Sometimes I get an image.  Sometimes it’s a combination.  I hesitate to share this with you ... not because it’s a secret, but because I don’t want you to have any expectations.  Your songs will be revealed to you in your own way.  I can’t even begin to imagine the ways in which the Universe will reveal the songs to you.  If I were the most creative woman on this planet, I would not come close to the genius of the Universe in manifesting its gifts to us.  I only know that your message will show up in a way that will work for you.  It will come in a way that you can easily connect with.   The more open you are, the more easily the message will be revealed to you.

As to the question of why I sometimes refer to “we” in the songs for a singular being.  I can only say that it is my sense that those “individuals” are really a collective being perceived as an individual being by us.  That is my intuitive understanding and I always try to honour what flows through as truthfully as possible, without censoring it.  So even though my mind knows I’m listening to a single Quartz Crystal, my heart is aware that this crystal is not truly a single being, but much more than that.

You might wonder why I’m encouraging others to listen to the songs themselves when offering the songs is part of my livelihood (so to speak).  It’s like a dress shop owner encouraging women to make their own dresses.  That might be a whole other subject for another blog, but I feel I need to say at least this ... I am here and available to listen to the songs for anyone who asks, but when I listen to a song for you ... it is YOUR song.  It comes from YOU.  I may be writing it down, but it is coming from YOU.  It is my deep knowing that YOU can hear/receive/perceive/conceive (whatever word you want to use) the songs for yourself.  Actually - I believe that you are ALREADY doing so.  You may simply be choosing to hear your song through me, and I am honoured to be witness to it with you.  You don’t need to get your message this way - through me - but it is one possibility.  You see, when you ask me to listen to a song for you, really you are listening to and perceiving the songs yourself.  You are simply doing it through the “song of stones” - through me. 

You may not be open to accept yet that you are bringing through the songs yourself or that you can hear the songs as easily as I can hear the songs.  Listen, I could tell you that only I can hear the “songs”.  I could say that the only way to get the message this crystal has for you is to listen to my songs ... wait a sec ... perhaps I will!  Perhaps I will say that I am Guru Nuru and I’m the only one who can listen to the “song of stones”.  I could say that I have some special gift and I’ve been initiated by an otherworldly being - that I have been chosen for this gift with great purpose.  I could say that if you want to do what I do, it will require years of practice followed by a test and then a special ceremony of initiation that only I can preside over.  I say these things so that you can hear what it sounds like and compare it with what I actually believe - with what I’ve been saying all along - that you can, if you wish and if you’re open, listen to the songs of the stone beings. 

You tell me which one feels like the truth.  Do you really want to hear that you “can’t” do it?  Don’t answer that right away.  Take your time before answering this question.  Really contemplate it.  When you’re ready and you’ve answered and if you wish to share your thoughts, I invite you to submit a comment.  I invite you to enter into a dialogue with each other ...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Slowing down

A message came recently from a very sweet messenger ... a beautiful snail.  His message is this ...

"take it slow"

Picture taken by Jennifer at Gilding Lillies

It sounds simple .. yes.  It is simple ... yes.  But then why is it so difficult to do.  Why is it such a hard thing to just slow down and be right where I am.

When we are distracted by the cell phones and the computerized gadgets which allow us to walk, text and surf the internet all at the same time;  when we are rushing from one place to another, not in any of them long enough to catch up to our own bodies;  when we're thinking of where we just came from and stressing about where we need to go next, not fully present where we are at the moment - part of us left behind in the last place we visited and part of us already ahead of ourselves in our future ... we can't feel whole.  How can we feel whole when we are so fragmented.  

I think we are trying to do all these things, ultimately for the very purpose of feeling whole, to accomplish our purpose in this lifetime - to get ahead of ourselves so that we'll make it in time - so that we'll finish.  But what ends up happening is that we are so busy trying to get there that we miss out on the experience ... which IS the purpose.

If we want to take it slowly, as our wise friend suggests.  If we want to catch up with ourselves and finally and truly rest, we can look to those of the natural world to show us how.  The snail is a wonderful guide when we want to become still and allow ourselves to be where we are - take in our surroundings.  She carries her home with her.  She has all she needs.  She has no need to rush.  To see the world from her perspective, we need only match her pace.

The stone beings are also wonderful guides to slowing down.  They are the masters.  Look at the path of their formation.  They can take millions of years to take shape.  That requires a type of patience we as human beings do not understand.  Yet they can teach us.  They can allow us, if only for a few moments at a time, to experience stillness - they can show us how to move at such a pace as to truly see where we are and all that surrounds us.  They can, if we wish, show us to see even deeper into the space we occupy.  They can show us how to look into our hearts and through to our soul space.  They can help us to see that there is no need to rush.  They can show us that when we are so busy running from where we are, we move only further from our true destination. They can show us our world in a whole new way.

Let snail help you to slow your pace to one where you can see that home is where you are already.  Let her help you see that a race against time is not one to win.  Let the stone beings help you to take this relaxed stride and draw it out even further .  Let them show you how much there is to see here at this placid pace.

Monday, July 25, 2011

What we think we know about Crystals

We think we know what the stone beings are.  We think we know that a quartz crystal has six sides and a ruby is red and nothing sparkles like a diamond.  We think we know that crystals carry the energy of those in their presence and that they can be cleared of any of the energy that we don't ressonate with.  We think we know that crystals have energy to help us heal.  We think we know that we can pick up a book and look up the healing properties of a crystal when we need a specific type of help, like with abundance, stress, connecting with the angels, etc.

All of what we think we know may or may not be true, but it certainly does not come close to even sctatching the surface of who the stone beings are and why they are here.

When we come into the presence of a truly creative piece, be it poetry, a sculpture, a painting, a piece of music ... what we see or hear or think will be unique.  Each person will have their own vision of what the piece means and what its purpose is.  Each person will have their own view of what the artist is saying to them ... and no one is wrong; because true art does that.  It comes from a place so deep that it reaches all of us at our very essence.  It speaks to each of us in our own language.

The stone beings are like those deep reaching works of art.  The pieces created, not in trying to please another, or to make one famous, or for the value of it.  These are the pieces created for the pure and simple pleasure of creation.  The pieces that reach us at this soul level are pieces that come from this soul level.  They are called "works" of art, but they come from a space of pure playfulness.

The stone beings are here in that same spirit of playfulness.

In the act of connecting with them at that level, there will come a message so profound, it will reach right into the core of your being and forever change you.

That type of connection and this experience of deep shifting will not be chronicled in a crystal encyclopedia.  Your may find very beautiful, very wondrous, very true facts about the crystalline children in the pages of these metaphysical dictionaries ... but if you want an experience that will shake you to the core of your very being, shattering long held patterns and creating an opening for new ones to be formed ... for that you will need to go right to the stone beings themselves.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

... into the deep

I made a pact today.  A pact with myself  - to listen as I listen to the stone beings ... TO MYSELF!  When I sit with the stones and connect deeply with their open and inviting energy, it's easy to listen.  It's not as easy when I try to listen to the still small voice over the noise of my mind.  The mind vies for my attention as my youngest child does, and both often find a clever way to distract me from my current focus.  You gotta luv them both : )

Tonight ... at 11:22 ... I give my attention to some elegant, dark Aegerine Crystals before me.  They have a song.  It's a message for you - but also for me.

The elegance of their physical form is a reflection of the elegance of their strength of will ... their resolute commitment to their purpose.  There is a grace and beauty that comes from standing strong in who you are and what you bring forth into this world that was created soul-ly to allow you to express that gift.  All of life has gathered together to set the scene for you to do what you came here to do ... for you to shine your light onto this world so that you could SEE YOURSELF!

LOOK ... look directly into this mirror that takes it's form all around you.  DARE to see yourself.  Don't be afraid.  There's another purpose for all those who have gathered together to play this game called life.  They are here to offer their support.

That is what Aegerine shared with us this evening.  It is connected to the pact I made with myself today - of course - except it is carried further and deeper.

This message is for you and for me.  We are but a reflection of each other.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


In the midst of planning a surprise party on two days notice, I found myself feeling so uncharacteristically peaceful and calm.  I was completely “going with the flow”.  I should have been worried about the guest list - about getting everything I need in time - about keeping the secret, but I was not.  

* * * * * * * * * *

With all that was happening, I felt drawn by the stones, moving intentionally and fluidly ... gently guided by some invisible force, but feeling it as it it were as solid as stone.  It mattered not to the stone beings that I was throwing together a party.  A quartet of crystals was coming together.  The energies of wind, water, fire and earth swirled together and took crystalline form so that we could hold these ephemeral entities in our hands.  So that we could touch that which cannot be grasped. 

We have tried.  These physical bodies have wanted to capture and hold the forces of this world.  We have tried to command the waters (taking point from the creatures who have found a harmony with them - the beavers).  We have tried to hug the winds (harness her power).  And we have tried to know the earth (exploring and mapping her). 

We did not seek to know the forces of nature in friendship.  We sought to control them.  We wanted control over them because we feared them.  This seems to be the nature of our species.  We fear that which we do not understand ... and that which we fear, we try to control - to master ... and if we can’t control it, we try to destroy it.

We have shown this to be true time and time again.

It’s time to try another way.  It’s time to lay down our arms and surrender.  It’s time to know those who we have made enemies of.  It’s time to see them ... truly see them, without thought to how an association with them might affect us.  It’s time to befriend all who live here with us.  All have beauty and purpose.  And all are so interconnected that to do harm to ANY part is to harm the whole.

* * * * * * * * * *

So here I was in the midst of pressured preparations and I found myself feeling surprisingly peaceful.  At one point I realized something utterly delicious.  Not only was I not stressed, but I was enjoying myself.  I was actually having fun.  A novel idea ... actually enjoy the party you’re throwing!  I was moving in flow.  Very much the way I moved when gathering the stones together.  It was a harmonious movement to the rhythm of the pulse of life.  It was a fluid flow.  There is no resistance - just a continuous, plasticine motion.  It is effortless.  Not because the path is straight and easy, but because there is no “force”.

Funny, we call natures beings, forces but truly “force” has nothing to do with it.  The power comes from not holding anything back ... from natural movement ... from complete release with NO resistance!  Then something wonderful happens ... you find yourself feeling pleasure from this effortless motion - and STUFF HAPPENS.  I mean everything comes together, as well - or perhaps better - than if you’d expended your energy in a frenzied attempt to succeed.  The party was a success in all the ways that mattered ... the birthday girl was surprised and very happy.  No matter what else I could have - should have - would have done, it would not have made a difference to her happiness.

Had I not listened to the song of the stones, I might have missed a beautiful gift.  Had I not trusted the subtle but powerful pull that drew me in to find them, I would not have seen this enchanting harmony of crystalline spirits - the quartet of Wind, Water, Fire and Earth.  My mind, always in struggle for control urged me to focus on the details of the party, bribing my ego with the promise of great success and threatening with that dreaded failure.  All the while, the strings of my heart were gently strummed by the soft hum of a silent song.  The subtle tones of the heart song held no threats nor did they offer any promises ... they were simply open and loving.   I’m grateful that I chose to follow my heart.  I don’t think I’ve ever regretted following any path illuminated by the light of the heart. 

Friday, March 25, 2011


When I first began my journey with the Stone Beings I looked outside the connection with them to “experts” to learn about them.  I didn’t realize that my best teachers were right there in the very relationship between myself and the Stone Beings.  I didn’t trust myself.  I didn’t trust what I was receiving as being real.  I didn’t believe that I already had what I needed in order to place myself among the many beautiful souls who worked with the Stone Beings far longer than this new comer.  I had no idea that it was my very inexperience which allowed me to have such a deep connection with them.  I hadn’t labelled them yet.  I hadn’t formed any judgements yet.  I was open to the stones as they were.  It wasn't until after I sought out the experts and read all the Crystal Healing books that I learned that I already had within me all that I needed to have beautiful connections with the stones.  I learned that the best teachers were the stones themselves.

I’d known all this for some time.  I’d believed it in my soul, but yet my website was not reflecting my heart.  How could it.  If I didn't fully embrace the truth of who I was, then how could I expect to show this truth to anyone else.  I still predominately displayed the metaphysical properties from the “experts” on the website.  And I’m not saying that these expert opinions are not true or valid.  They come from a very real connection with the stone beings.  But they are just one very small part of what is there.  These descriptions only skim the surface of a pool that runs so deep you’ll likely never see the bottom.  Plus they come from a single - specific perspective.  One person with one crystal(s).  This same person may receive something else entirely on a different day or with a different group of the same stone.  Sure I included the songs that came through my personal connections with the Stone Beings, but I was not speaking aloud my own personal thoughts and beliefs which came from my experience with them.  That changes now.

Having a connection with a stone being is not different than any relationship with any other being.  You know that you can be a very different person depending on who you are with.  Your boss or coworker may describe you completely differently than your best friend or spouse.  Your children may be surprised to discover aspects of your character they never knew about, because they had a very specific view of who you are based on the kind of relationship they had with you.  As no two people are exactly alike, each of our relationships is unique.  So if you believe, as I do, that the stone beings are conscious beings, then it won’t be hard to believe that each of these stone beings has their own unique character and they may reveal different parts of themselves to different people, depending on the relationship that develops.

Sure it may seem to be easier to choose a stone based on the metaphysical qualities you find in a book.  Though even that might become confusing if you look at more than one book - because they each have their own opinions.  But truly what could be easier than choosing the stone that you are most drawn to, despite whether, according the the book you’re reading, it will serve your specific purpose - or match up with your astrological sign.  The best relationships happen through a type of magic that defies the mind’s linear reasonings.  

How can we be so open to the magic of the stone beings and yet be so pulled into linear, logical reasons when choosing them and connecting with them.  I’ll tell you why.  Because it is easier to follow the book than to trust our own inner wisdom.  We were raised in a world that convinced us not to trust ourselves - from our basic material needs to our deepest physical, emotional and spiritual well being.  We’re taught to ignore our own inner knowings and seek out the experts.  It doesn’t seem to phase us that these experts change their opinions on an hourly basis.

We can seek out the Stone Beings for what they can do for us ... for what they can heal in us ... for what benefit they can bring to us.  At the deepest level, a true connection with the Stone Beings is about a relationship.  About being with a wise soul who in their very presence supports us in seeing something beautiful within ourselves.  It is like the difference between being with someone for what they can do for you - or being with a close friend because you cherish their company.  Both are very real experiences that offer us something.  One heals on the surface while the other penetrates deep into our core and shifts our whole being.  One is fleeting - the other eternal.  There is no right or wrong here.  There is no judgement - especially from the Stone Beings.  It is about choice ... about what type of experience you wish to have.  What kind of relationship you are wanting to enter into.

Friday, February 11, 2011

PLAY OF COLOUR ... Opal's mysteries

I had been ready to list some beautiful Mexican Opals with wondrous fire.  There were 3 separate listings and they were all ready.  The pictures were downloaded.  The description was written.  So what was the problem.  Why was I not making them available.  I realized the answer last night.  I was working on the Opal listings when I saw a car pull up into the driveway.  My daughter was home so I went down to the door to be ready to open it for her so she wouldn’t be standing in the cold for longer than necessary.  I waited and waited and she didn’t come to the door.  I looked through the peephole and my gaze was drawn to the headlights of the car.  The lights were flashing rainbow colors and I was thinking how pretty they were and how much like the Opals they were.  But then I thought ... wait a minute ... I don’t normally see these flashes of rainbow colors emanating from car lights ... why now.  I gave up waiting at the door and came upstairs to the living room window and looked outside to see the lights from a different perspective.  The headlights were not emanating flashing colors from this point of view.

I realized something in this seemingly mundane experience of opening the door for my daughter.  I got an insight into the reason for the flash of color in Fire Opal.  I realized that in this case, size does matter.  It’s funny because I’d been pondering why Fire Opals are only available in very small sizes.  Nature does not offer her in large portions.  When I gazed at the headlights through the peephole, they appeared smaller than when I looked at them through the window.  I began to wonder if it was this concentrated view that allowed me to see these flashing colours.  It’s not that they were not there when I looked through the window.  I was just not seeing them.  Somehow this focused view, allowed me to see something that I normally would not be able to see.  In this case, smaller was better.

Exactly why the concentrated view allowed me to see these beautiful rainbow colours, I was not sure.  As I am unsure of the reason we can see these colors in the Opal, though I do imagine that the high concentration of water in the Opal stones is significant.  Of course there is a scientific explanation as to why there is this play of colour and I’m sure that there is a scientific explanation for why I was seeing the colors in the headlights when I looked through the peephole ... but there is always more to see and understand.  We can always go deeper.  I don’t know that the point is to find a conclusive answer.  I think that the point is the wonder itself ... the play with thoughts and ideas just as the Opals play with color.  I think that is part of Opal’s song and it’s charm ... it’s play ... TO PLAY!  It flashes ridiculously beautiful rainbow colors from seemingly nowhere and dares us to do the same.

Ok ... so I’m going to mirror Opal’s song and DARE you to flash me with some of your dazzling colour!  Tell me how you’re playing in this cold winter’s month.  Show me what otherwise will not be seen.  Show me your colour.

Be the first!  Dare to share ...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Stone Songs in the Dead of Winter

Why do we call this coldest part of the winter season, dead?  It is truly just as alive as any other time of the year.  Winter is as full with life as any other season.  We just don’t see it as easily then.

Beneath the cold hard skin of the Earth something magical is happening.  She may seem dormant but she is in the midst of creation.  She is pregnant with life.  Cold to the touch and still to the eye, the Earth is holding the fire of life deep in her heart.

Look at her again, not with your eyes but with your soul..  Feel the shaking of life beneath your feet ... deep down below the visible layers, through the frozen crust.  Don’t be afraid to use your imagination.  Much truth comes from that part of you.

Now open your heart and stretch your imagination a little further ... see now in your thoughts, the Stone Beings of this earth - the children of Gaia.  Hold them in your hand.  See past the cold, hard surface, and imagine the possibility of life here too.

When the petals of the pretty flowers in our garden shrivel and are carried away by the wind, we see death.  Her beauty is gone and we see only the sepia tones of her faded presence.  We mourn her loss.  The disintegration of her form is sad to us.  We don’t see the beauty of the magical creative process that is going on literally beneath our feet.  The power of this transformation is even more spectacular than what we experienced in the show of colour and perfume in the blossom’s graceful figure.

There is such an abundance of life teaming beneath the surface of the Earth’s icy crust in the
dead of winter.  So why can’t we entertain this idea of life in other places that seem to be lifeless.  Isn’t it at least a possibility.

Perhaps the Stone bEings do sing in the dead of winter.