Sunday, December 30, 2012

Time Sings

Crystals with Time Link faces have been showing up quite a bit here lately.  It seems every other crystal I pick up is a time link.  So I asked ...

What are you showing us?  What is the significance of your “TIMING”?

I got an answer and if felt too important to keep to myself, so I thought I’d share it here in this month’s blog.  The answer that came is short but powerful.  This is what I heard ...

The time links are showing us that while we are so focused on what we expect to happen through the 2012 shift, there is something we are not noticing.  Our expectations are clouding our perception of what is actually occurring.
“Let go of your focus of “the day” 21/12, which is easier now that it is behind you.  Magic abounds on all your days.  21/12 is just one of those days among the many that offer you an opening to the magic of your innate being.

Time, you see is simply one more part of who you are.  It is not some separate space and it is not something you are trapped within.  It is a part of who you are.  It is a facet of your being.  You cannot separate yourself from it any more than you can separate yourself from your heart.  They are both dimensions of who you are.

You can touch time as easily as you touch your skin.  And as your skin, it does not trap you but keeps you held in a protective embrace, guarding your presence in this physical existence.

It is “time” to see TIME in a new light.
Listen to the message time has for you.  It is powerfully profound.   It is a secret that you’ve kept in your heart with the turning of many moons.  Time has come to reveal that secret.  Let go of what you once though it to be.  When you can be open to seeing time as it is, rather than what you believed it to be, you will be gifted with the surprise of your lifeTIME.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

The time link crystals have been showing up for a reason.  They have come to support you in this revelation.  They have come to open a gateway to ease communication.  You don’t need a time link crystal to access this message, for it comes from you, but they are here should you choose to accept their support.  (I will be listing the time link crystals as they are available, but please feel free to get in touch if you would like one and they are none currently available.)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Seeing Peace

I had been sheltering myself from the news of death and destruction in the Middle East.  It’s been something many of us have been thinking about.  How can we not.  It may be happening on the other side of the world, but it affects us all.  I’d been avoiding the news channel and the newspapers and the constant updates online, but one message got through to me.  It said something amazing ...
It was as if a shift had occurred late on the nite of the 18th...the hamas commanders contacted Israeli ground forces and agreed to stop firing rockets and put down their weapons...rocket launchers were immediately dismantled and hamas leaders announced a complete cessation of violence towards israel...israeli military personnel together with PA personnel have been invited in to collect all weapons and demilitarize gaza...the jews muslims and christians in the area are all celebrating in the streets...peace is imminent...its a miracle...

I believed it.  I truly believed it.

This wasn’t, I discovered, what was actually happening there.  In reality missiles were flying back and forth.  People were not dancing, they were dying.  But this imaginal message got me to thinking.  I was the only one (that I knew) who believed it was true.  There were many who wanted to believe it was true.  Many wished it to be true.  Many had hope that this would come to pass in the future.  But nobody would accept that it was true NOW.  Why was it so hard to believe?  And is it because it is so hard to believe that keeps it from becoming a reality?  Do we have to SEE PEACE before we can experience it?  Do we have to believe that it is true for it to become our new reality?

I looked to the ones I often go to for deeper understanding.  I looked to the Stone Beings.  If we want to truly understand peace, the Stones and Crystals are the best beings on the planet to learn from ... and the Stars are the ones outside our planet which can help us understand peace - but that is another conversation.

Crystals and Stones form under extreme and violet forces.  Explosions, molten liquid, fractures and breaks.  These are forces few others, if any, on our planet would survive.  They are separated from their family clusters/community, they lose parts of themselves, they are smashed and crashed, they are torn and worn.  These beings have seen turmoil and violence the likes of which most of us can barely imagine.  Yet they are the most peaceful beings on our planet.

How did they end up in such a powerfully peaceful and physically beautiful state being born of such violent forces?  Perhaps it was BECAUSE of their violent upbringing that they can understand such depth of peace.  I wonder if it is because they accepted all parts of their existence “peacefully” without conflict within themselves.  I think that is the key to peacefulness ... accepting what is without conflict.  Conflict only breeds conflict.

It is like the caterpillar in the chrysalis, losing it’s current identity.  Parts of its body dissolving away, replaced by something foreign - an INVADING entity.  It essentially dies and is reborn in a completely different form.  The caterpillar doesn’t struggle against the metamorphosis but rather initiates it and surrenders to the process.

So what are the Stone Beings showing us about peace?  Let’s open up a dialogue.  Let’s discuss peace instead of war.  I invite you to join in this conversation.  I invite you to share your experiences or thoughts or ideas or imaginings about peace ... about what you’ve gleaned from the wisdom of the stone beings in regards to peaceful presence.  What are the crystalline spirits saying to you about peace?  I really want to know.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Gift of finding my Voice

I had a blog already prepared for this month - the first time I’ve been so efficient with it.  Usually, I’m putting something together the day before or the day of ... often times I end up delaying the newsletter so that I can finish the blog.  That has become S.O.P ... and that’s not standard operating procedures ... OR ACTUALLY IT IS ... but it more appropriately should stand for Specialty Of Procrastination.

Anyway, I decided to hold off on putting out the blog that’s already been written - that would be too simple anyway - and give you instead the message that came through a very special crystal.  A Sacred Crystal.  Sacred in many ways ... Sacred Seven in her Crystal Form.  Sacred Herald in that she holds an inspired message.  Sacred Feminine as she is symbolic of the rising/expanding feminine energy.

She sings of the awareness of the purpose of our existence ... beyond what we understand purpose to be.  She shows us in her very form how we can be unique individuals and AT THE SAME TIME a unified consciousness.  She shows us in her uniqueness that there are still discoveries to be made in our ever-expanding world.  She helps us to see that creativity is infinite.  She reminds us of our feminine form - always pregnant with possibility - and that is not speaking about Woman alone.  All beings carry the dual energies within them.  This feminine power does not discriminate against those without a physical womb.

You know I have been struggling to find voice to help people to understand who the crystals are and how they can add depth and dimension to our existence.  I’ve been working so hard at finding the words to describe them and the effect of their presence in our world and I’ve failed miserably.  This precious one come to show me how to do it.  She’s come to show me how simple it is.  That I don’t need to struggle so hard for it.

So here goes ...

The crystals are here as creative expressions of the Divine, just as any other being is here.  However, these ancient ones have a unique gift for us.  A gift that is theirs alone to give.   They reflect the Divine in such a beautifully powerful, utterly peaceful, incredibly magical way so that we can SEE that DIVINITY when we SEE OURSELVES ... they help us to see the IMAGE OF THE DIVINE in the MIRROR that they are.  They help us to see the TRUTH that we were created in the IMAGE of our CREATOR.

They mirror the Divine so clearly because of their simplicity of being.  They do it in a such a gentle, loving, open way as to allow us to accept that truth as our own.  They do it simply by being.

That is their gift.  That’s what I’ve been trying to say this whole time ... since the beginning of Song of Stones.  I’ve been waiting for this brilliant, gentle, beautiful being to gently coax that message out of me.  What an incredible blessing she is.  I am forever grateful.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Golden Energy

The golden stones have been singing softly but powerfully.  I’ve been hearing their song for quite some time but they chose now - this moment to reveal this message.  It is a message of power ... TRUE power.

It’s not the power of wealth but of true abundance.
Wealth they say is but an illusion.

It’s not power over another but power over yourself.
True and authentic power is not external. 
Authority - true authority - is trust in yourself. 
It’s leadership over one.  That one being YOU.

It’s not the power to “conquer” your fears.
It’s a greater power - an eternal power. 
It’s that of accepting your fears 

and loving yourself anyway. 

You can’t really win a war against yourself - that’s not true “will power”.  It’s an illusion of ego.  Your fears are a source of great power.  When you suppress your fears you suppress that power with them.

The key to coming into courage is through your fears, not around, or over, or under them.  Your fears are guides to this path towards courage.

The lion in the story of Oz is a perfect illustration of the power of this golden energy.  He was courageous despite his fears - even perhaps because of them.  Lion is symbolic of courage and power.  It is no co-incidence that he is physically coloured by the golden energy.  The lion of Oz shook from fear and still stepped onto the “yellow” path to discovering his courage.

The yellow tone is akin to the golden energy.  They are different intensities of this same vibration of power.  They both offer to support you in stepping onto the path towards true authentic power.  Accept that support.  These colourful energies can be “inVALUABLE” guides on that journey of self discovery.

Of course it matters not how you connect with the golden rays.  My favorite way to explore colour is through the crystalline beings.  They vibrate unconditional love and acceptance and that is key when stepping on the path to power.  The stones offer one of the gentlest ways to integrate the golden energies into your life.

There are other ways you can bring the yellow tones in ... through food or clothes or through visualization.  Trust your “authority”.  Choose freely from a place of true power rather than allowing ego to impose its will (or rather suppress yours).   Follow your heart to the yellow path rather than relying on the mind’s logic.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Summer Fire

The intense heat this summer is affecting us all in many different ways.  Some of us are feeling the effects physically and some emotionally, but we are feeling the effects.  We may not realize that some of what we've experienced - are experiencing - is connected to the weather and the activity of the Sun this year, but it is.  Of course it is.  We are all connected.  We are connected to each other and to our Earth.  She feels our movements and we feel hers.  She is an extension of us and we of her.  Some people are more aware of it than others.  Those are the ones who get migraines when the earth shakes or who predict rain by the pain in their joints or who feel blue when the sun retreats during the winter months.  They are not more connected to the earth than those who don’t seem affected.  They are simply more aware of the connection.  Whether you are aware of it or not, we are all connected.  Each one of us equally connected.  Each of us is affected.


We separate ourselves from the earth in so many ways.  We spend much time indoors - in temperature controlled buildings, sealed off from the outside.  Even if we there are windows often times they are kept closed to keep in the heat or air-conditioning.  We are meant to be in "touch" with our mother Earth.  When we say being in touch, we mean literally having direct contact ... skin to earth.  Consider how often your skin touches our earth or something of our earth ... a tree, a flower, bare feet on grass or sand, or wind in our hair.  They are near us, these natural beings of the earth.  Sometimes they are even in our homes, but do we touch them?  And this means more than a hurried brush through the petals of a plant.  Do we make a conscious effort to make this connection.  When we do touch the earth, this tactile connection feels good and we realize how much we miss it.  We do miss it.  We crave it.  That's because we need it.  That connection nourishes us in a way nothing else can.  It's food for our soul.  In my opinion, it may even be more important than the vitamins and supplements we add to our food.  If we knew how important it was, we'd not deprive ourselves of this necessary connection.


When we feel overwhelmed by the movements of our Earth or when we feel dis-connected, the Stone Beings can offer support in many ways.  The Stone beings are experts at the art of peacefulness and stillness.  When we feel stressed and overwhelmed, we need only hold a stone.  It can be a raw organically shaped river stone or a bright clear crystal formed in a beautiful geometric shape - it often doesn’t matter.  Simply connecting to Gaia through her stone and crystal children gives us a sense of peace.  Sometimes we will find that certain stones are more soothing than others and we should trust that pull, but often times any stone will offer us the gift of support in stillness and ease our stress.

For ease and comfort from the fire of the summer’s heat, look to the cooling stones.  Blue stones and the raw river stones hold the cooling and refreshing energy of water.  Some examples are Aquamarine, Blue Aragonite, Blue Opal, Barite, Blue Hemimorphite; or try an Alaskan Marble.  These are just a few examples.  There are many stones that can offer relief.  Trust yourself and listen to the stones that call to you.  The stones that you are most drawn to will be the best ones for you.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Why are we drawn to the stones?

They call to you.  You are drawn to them but you don’t know why.  The mind cannot make sense of the pull they have on you.  Their vibration is beyond logic.  It is an energy of pure love.  Only the heart can truly understand that message.  Only the Soul knows that it’s this unconditional acceptance that you are so drawn to.

Their stillness of being calms your anxieties in such a subtle way that you may not even realize that it’s happening.  You only know that you enjoy being in their presence.  Surrender to that.  Trust it.  Surround yourself with them.  Surround yourself with that beautiful energy of love and acceptance and peacefulness.  It is said that you should surround yourself with people who make you feel good.  These crystalline beings will offer you that same gift without requiring anything of you.

Trust your heart when they call to you.  It doesn’t have to make sense.  It won’t.  It can’t.  It’s beyond the mind’s capacity to understand.  It’s raw nonsensical love energy in one of it’s purest forms.  The mind doesn’t recognize that.  It doesn’t know what to do with that.

So next time you hear the song of stones, listen to their message.  Trust your heart, even though it doesn’t make sense to your mind.  Allow the crystal beings into your heart and your life and see yourself transform.  Watch the magic happen.

It’s not that they will change you ... it’s that being surrounded with their gentle but constant vibration of unconditional love and acceptance, you can’t help but transform.  It’s really more that you let go of who you were trying to be and in that safe space of love and acceptance, allow yourself to be exactly who you are.

Now that’s magical!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Listening to the Stones

Songs take you to another place.  A place outside the noise and distraction of the mind’s criticisms and thoughts of gloom.  They forge a pathway deep into your soul.  It is a place of peacefulness.  An alignment of harmony.  A place where all parts of yourself converge into fluid unity.  In that space you feel who you are - the true you, shed of layers of protective pretenses ... free of deceptive disguises.  It is a happy joyful state.  There is no pain here.  This is the place where true “healing” - true transformation - occurs.  It is the opening to living an honest, authentic existence.  It is a reunification of your self.  It is your ego and soul ... re-merged.

The Stone beings sing that song.  They create an opening to the space of oneness.  They hold that space until you are ready to enter.  They accept you with unconditional love.

You can hear the song they sing for you ... and they do have a song for you ... they have many songs for you.  You can hear the message that song holds for you.  It is a personal message, one meant specially for you.  Listen to what they say ... it is your soul speaking to you through their voices.

You don't have to be initiated and you don't have to train for a set number of years and you don't have to be a shaman or reiki master.  You don't need to receive an attunement or permission in order to hear the songs of the stones.  This is something you already know how to do.  You may have forgotten that you carry this inherent ability but YOU DO HAVE IT.

How do you reclaim that forgotten mastery?  Simple ... just listen.  Listen to the stones.  Listen to the silent voice inside you.  Trust the words that come.  Trust what your inner eye sees.  Trust the feeling and inspiration that you receive.  Trust yourself.

The stones will remind you.  Simply being in their presence is enough to spark your memory.  Spend time with them in the stillness and you will see.  In the meantime, I’ll remind you.  I’ll tell you over and over again to TRUST YOURSELF.  That message - to remind you of your beautiful, natural gift - came to me through listening to the stones.  I was able to hear it because I listened AND I trusted what came through.  I trusted that it was true.  That message is their summer song to you.  It is a gift to both of us.

Trust yourself ...

Monday, May 28, 2012


As the earth begins to warm in preparation for the new life that has been gestating over the cold winter months, she begins to show us what's been hidden from our sight during those long grey days.  It is subtle at first, sweet small buds, hints of new growth, small sprays of green.  Then as if from thin air colour bursts forth from barren ground and the land is filled with lush growth.  It's magical.  It's truly magical!

The Earth shows us her magic each spring and still we doubt the abundance that is there in our lives.  We focus on what we don't have and what we need and how much everything costs.  We can be blind to the gifts that grow beneath our feet - LITERALLY!

The Earth showers us with her gifts of bright vivid tones and soft pastel petals and lush green carpets which carry the sky high natural cathedrals that shade us from the power of the fiery ball that warms the ground and allows new life to spring forth.  There is so much there for us ... so much to nourish our bodies, our minds and our souls ... right there.

The beings of Crystal and Stone are one such gift from our earth mother.  She showers us with a rich abundance and variety.  They come in all shapes and sizes and a lavish assortment of colour and texture.  They are also here to nourish us.  In a different way perhaps than the plant kingdom, but no less powerfully.

Look to the Crystalline beings and allow them to show you the abundance that the earth showers you with.  Look to the Stone beings and see that abundance is already yours.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Crystal Colour Essences

This month I’m inspired to speak of colour.  There are many, many, many ways to connect with colour, each as beautiful as the next.  The stone beings offer a wonderful way to explore colour.  They hold some of the most unique and magnificent colours in all of creation.  They come into presence with colour in such a pure and open space, that connecting to a colour through crystals is just about as close as you can get to connecting with pure, true colour.  That has been my experience, but don’t take my word for it ... I invite you to explore that for yourself and feel free to share your experiences of that exploration with us here on this blog or on the Song of Stones website.

I have recently been exploring colour more deeply through a colour course that I am taking.  One of the exercises in that course was making colour water.  I was astonished at the results of that exercise. I was guided to pour some of the water over a rash that I'd had for many months and which had become increasingly itchy and inflamed.  Now I want you to know that water had been the thing that was aggravating the rash so it was a surprise that I was guided to pour water onto it.  Not only that, but the colour I was guided to make was Red, which is also known to aggravate rashes.  The books warn against using red water for on rashes.  The next day the rash had eased greatly and continued to feel less itchy and become smaller with each passing day.  It did flare up again a couple times, but each time another dipping into the colour water eased it.  Actually in repeating the use of the colour water, I noticed something.  I saw that even during the process of making the water - before it was ready and before I touched it, I was already feeling the the rash begin to ease.  That’s the nature of vibrational essences though.

Through my play with the colour water, I felt somehow that there was a connection to the crystals, though I don’t know if I realized how strong that connection was.  It was quite subtle at first.  It wasn’t until they crystals woke me from my sleep with a powerful message and beautiful image, that I truly heard their message ... that was to co-create Crystal Colour Essences with this Colour water.  That’s what I’ve been doing.

The stones inspired me to share the story of my experience with the Crystals and Colours with you.  Now, as I write these words, they are inspiring me again ... to invite you to share your own experiences with Crystals and Colours here with us.  To make this more fun, they offer up a gift.  Each person who shares something about Crystals and Colours here in this blog, will be entered in a draw to receive a Crystal Colour Essence as a gift, to be sent out with your next order.  The Draw will be held on May 14th and I’ll accept all entries received from now until May 13th.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pink Song

The pink stones were singing to me as I was relaxing into sleep one night.  All of the pink ones seemed to glow a little brighter ... they were whispering a song to me.  The Pink Opal, the Rhodochrosite, the Thulite, the Bustamite, the Phosphosiderite, the Tugtupite, even the coppery Sunstone was showing me her pinkness.  I grabbed a pen to record this subtle song.  Even the ink that flowed out of the only pen in reach was PINK ... of course!

The song ...

There is so much more to the pink ray than what is typically associated with us.

More than our feminine energy.  More than our child like quality.  More than a flowery note.  Our pink part is so much more than any of that.  It is certainly more than an association with a disease.  Don’t brand us.  Don’t limit us in this way.  For when you do, you limit yourself. 

The Pink ray is a reflection of a part of yourself.  We each hold the pink ray in different intensities.  When you are attracted to us for our pink tone that means the pink in you is singing too.  We sing together.

We sing of the soft embrace of angelic presence.  It is a song of the warmth of babies’ breath and the touch of tiny hands.  A love of the pure heart of a child.

You don’t always welcome this gift when it is presented because you may not feel you have it to give back.  But you do.  Otherwise you would not see it now.  You can only see what shines forth from your heart.

See yourself in that gift of love.  Don’t you recognize YOU!

From this song ... a duet was born ... A pairing of Phosphosiderite and Medusa Quartz, which hold the rays of violet and turquoise and clear/white and pink (of course).  This duet also has a song to share.  

The soft pink ray from the sleepy night gives birth to a mating of crystalline children, which have come forth to give support to the fragile state you find yourselves in today ... a fear ... a restlessness ... a dread ... a loneliness ... an insecurity ...

You have silently called out for their support and they have answered even before you were aware you needed their presence.

Another duet came next ... Phosphosiderite and Wenerite.  I knew that the Wernerite was fluorescent, but I was not prepared for what I saw when I looked at them the next morning.  The sun’s early light revealed the fluorescent tone of the Wernerite and I saw that these two crystals which normally had completely different colours now appeared THE SAME!  The green of the Wernerite had transformed into the orchid/lilac/violet colour of the Phosphosiderite.  It was incredible to witness. 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Support through the shifting energies of 2012

Many of us our experiencing the effects of the rapidly shifting energies of our Earth mother.  We may each be experiencing them in completely different ways, but we are feeling something.  Not all of us may be able to put into expression what it is we’re feeling, but most will agree that they are experiencing something, especially those of us who work with energy and light and those who are very sensitive.  Some of you are experiencing sensations and reactions that you’ve not felt before and may believe that there is something physically wrong with you.  If your health care practitioner has ruled out a physical cause, perhaps you’re one of the very many who are simply moving through this most recent shift in synchronicity with the Earth.  We are all a part of her and so what she goes through, we go through.  We may have drowned out her whispers but some of her movements are so powerful that they can’t be ignored.  What you’re experiencing may simply be Gaia’s growing “pains”.

Who better to help you through this growth than the Earth’s Children themselves ... the beings of stone and crystal ... Gaia’s daughters.

The stone beings have been in existence as long as Gaia herself.  They are born of shifting energies.  They have experienced every energetic transformation, movement, and shifting of this earth.  They have quivered with every change in her vibrational frequency.  They have moved through dramatic change in temperatures and all forms of pressures.  Their physical structures have undergone changes that take eons and some that happen so rapidly they are literally torn apart.  Yet they continue to grow on.  Breaks and cracks become openings for sparkling new growth.

They pass through all these effects of time and turbulence with grace and peacefulness.  They do so because they do not resist the changes.  They view them not as atrocities, but as creations.  They see them as expression of earth energy in motion.  They hold no fear.  Just love and acceptance.  So when the earth moves and these crystalline beings change form or energy there is no suffering.  There is only creative expression.  There is only love energy in motion.

It is for their peaceful spirit and still beauty that you are drawn to these special children of the earth, perhaps not realizing the dramatic and powerfully turbulent processes which brought them into being.  You may not be aware of the many shifts and shaking movements through time they’ve undergone, nor do you realize the many changing energies and frequencies they’ve withstood.  They have been through it all and they will be here for whatever the future holds. 

They offer their support to you in moving through the Earth’s many energetic shifts more gently and with less fear.  They offer to share their vibration of being in a space of harmony, even in the midst of chaos.  They openly offer to show you how to connect to the stillness during a storm of swirling energies.  This is their gift to you.  The gift of peacefulness and stillness and harmony during the rapidly shifting energy of this time. 

All stone beings have this gift for you, though some have gone through specific unique experiences and may vibrate more powerfully in those specific energy frequencies.  The entire spectrum of the wisdom and experiences of all the Stone beings are carried by each of them, but you may feel a specific vibration more strongly in one than another.  It’s not that the vibration is not present in all the others, you simply may feel it more strongly in a specific stone.  The memory of that vibration may be closer to the surface of some crystalline spirits than others, depending on their specific experiences during their life cycle.

How do you know which one to choose!  How do you know which one will help you with your specific needs?  That’s the easiest part.  You choose the crystal or stone that you connect most strongly with.  You choose the one that you are most attracted to.  The one that appears most beautiful to you.  That is how you know.  That is how they call to you.  That is how they sing for you.  Listen to their song and trust your heart.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Heaven's Scent

What do Essential Oils have to do with Crystals and Stones?

It is clear how powerful scents are.  They can take us to the heights of ecstasy and drive us to the edge of madness.  They are held in our cells as memory and connect us to experiences no longer present in our awareness.  These scents can even carry us to other lifetimes.  They reach deep into our souls and touch us in a very special and unique way.  They go beyond words - beyond linear thought - right to a type of communication so pure and more real than any other physical experience.  It is one of the deepest of the physical sensations.  It is the most fleeting - less substantial than any others - yet it reaches inwards the farthest.  If you bring presence and awareness to the experience, then it can become a life shifting connection.

There is more to know here.  There is a quality of the essential oils that is not commonly known of, or thought of.  They are well known for their healing properties, both physically and emotionally and of course for their aromatic quality, but there is something else - something long forgotten.  Scents can do more than support the alignment of body and soul.  They are a connective influence between living beings.  There is an element of scent that is present in other realms besides our physical space.  A part that is present in each realm simultaneously.  This unifying element can open us to the presence of this other realm.  It can act as a bridge between the realms.  Not many are aware of this because very few have access to pure true, unadulterated oils.

Most of the essential oils that people are exposed to are mass produced from cultivated crops which may have been genetically modified and or sprayed with chemicals.  Even those oils that are certified organic, may be mass produced in an environment artificially created for the purpose of growing the plant for commercial applications - and first and foremost, for profit.  No matter how much effort and energy and even love is put into this controlled process, nothing can reproduce the beautifully balanced elements that come together ”organically” to produce perfect conditions that support the life of a wild plant, or one that is grown in a co-creative way.  Those plants will have something beyond what we might typically expect.  They will have a beautifully harmonious vibration that will support us in a deeper and more soulful way.

These are the oils that will reach deep into your soul and touch the part of you that is hidden by the density of this physical existence.  These are the oils that will be nourishing to body, mind AND spirit.  These are the oils that have been long forgotten by all but a very few.  Those that will be drawn to these oils will most likely be the ones who have a memory (conscious or not) of connecting with them in the past and are being inspired to reconnect to their pure essence once more.  They may be drawn to them without even knowing why.  It’s like reconnecting with a dear, wise, old friend.

We are living in a time of great disconnect with the natural world.  Even those things we are told are natural - or think of as natural - have been modified, preserved, and mass produced.  Whether we are aware of it or not, we are affected by this disconnect.  There is a part of us that feels this loss.

There are many ways we can reconnect to the earth and to our true essence - to our Soul.  Pure - truly pure - lovingly co-created - essential oils are one of those ways - one of the most profound and pleasurable ways, besides crystals which are my first love.  Funnily it is the crystals that have been guiding me to explore the oils.  They are singing out to connect with the oils.  I’m excited to discover what new songs they will sing together.  Both the stone beings and the essential oils support us in connecting with the earth in a very special and deep way.  Each have their own vibrational signature and we will experience Gaia in a different way with each of them, but together, I imagine the Earth connection may be even more powerful and certainly more pleasurable. 

If you want to receive information on pure co-created essential oils, please feel free to contact us at