Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Longest Night

As I moved closer to the day of the winter solstice, I began to wonder about it.  I pondered the meaning of this special and sacred day.  What was it - what did it mean - what was its importance - what was it that I was I feeling through the energy of this day?  It occurred to me that there was something there beyond what lay on the surface - beyond the fact that it was the shortest day of the year - beyond that the sun was furthest from the equator on this day.  I was thinking about this point in the cycle of our seasonal year that held more darkness than light and I began to wonder if S.A.D. (seasonal affective disorder) may be more about descending into the center of that darkness than it was about lack of sunshine.  This thought came in the midst of that descent into the darkest night of the year - the winter solstice.  It was as if this space was talking to me - revealing its secrets.  Could it be that our true trepidation towards the winter season was about that descent into the deepest point and not necessarily the cold or sparseness or lack of greenery and light.

Here’s where the pondering led to ...

Imagine as the universe is made of light, waves of energy dance in a harmonic motion of contraction and expansion.  Now imagine. as above - so below, and the earth being a microcosm of the macrocosm, even the seasons reflect that universal song of undulating vibrations.  Imagine the seasons are a dance of this motion of contraction and expansion and the winter solstice - the dead of winter - was the deepest point of contraction.  Imagine that this point in space and time in the movement of seasons is the most contracted point, holding the most concentrated energy of the entire season - of the entire year.  Imagine the POWER of this point in space and time.

This winter solstice day being the deepest space in time is the furthest removed from the highest point of light.  It is furthest from the multitudinous-ness.  It is the most solitary point of being on this earth plane.  So close to oneness, yet it feels the furthest away.  In the comfort of abundance there is the illusion of belonging.  In our aloneness we try to surround ourselves with MANY - many people - many things - many actions.  We fool ourselves believing that filling our lives with abundance will fill our hearts with belonging but nothing could be further from the truth.  For if it were true we would not continue through our entire lives to seek out FULLNESS.  We can never be filled by things outside ourselves.  We will always feel empty somehow.  And so we continue to try to fill the emptiness.  We continue to be drawn to the light - to other people - to work - to causes - to substances like food and drink and things that distract us from our aloneness, like work and adventure.  What we can’t escape no matter how hard we try is the darkness and depth of the outer season, especially the day that is the darkest - the winter solstice.

What we perceive as lack of light and lack of warmth is an outer shell of what the winter is truly about.  The winter season is a time of gestation and introspection and GREAT creativity.  But it is something more too.  It is the point in time where we are closest to the oneness that holds the belonging we so desperately seek.  It is the SOURCE for filling the emptiness within.  For that is what the winter is - truly.  It is a time of inner fullness and growth.  A very creative season.  The winter solstice is the closest point to creativity that we can reach in our three dimensional timeline.  All else arises from that depth - held there like a sling shot - pulled back as tight as we can get it before it is propelled outwards into the next season and then boomerangs back in full circle ... EACH YEAR.

But the revelation is hidden by the darkness and starkness of our outer existence.  We look outside ourselves for direction and so we don’t see the richness and fullness of the inner self.  There is purpose though in that outward deception.  It is about balance - about keeping up the illusion of our physical reality.  It is about maintaining the mystery.  You see, it could be easy to lose ourselves in either world.  We can fall too deeply into the rabbit hole or rush too quickly into the light - losing ourselves to either extreme - falling into darkness or floating up into the light.

Perhaps the contrast was created to keep us centered and engaged in the story of our lives.  The in-between seasons are often the most comfortable for us physically and that’s because energetically we are literally centered at those times between the extremes - between the powerful magnetism of dark and light - especially from the dark which we confuse for being the furthest from the light of oneness.

Awareness of this magnetic movement through time can offer some peace through the ups and downs - the dark and light.  There are other things that can ease our anxieties when we are in the throes of either extreme.  The stone beings can be of great help throughout each of the seasons.  There are those that can offer us grounding when we need - the heavier, darker stones like hematite and jasper and pyrite.  Then there are those that can take us up into the light when we need like selenite, thulite and ice quartz to name just a few.  However, it’s best to be open and trust that the perfect stone for each situation will make itself known.  The stones are very special that way - and if you need help, you can always get in touch and I'll be happy to help you connect to the perfect stone for you.

lots of love through the darkness and the light ...

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Light Guides

This blog is dedicated to a sweet friend whose special gifts inspired its creation.

We are at the center of a magical age.  It is a time of the rising of the feminine energy.  And this does not have anything to do with being a woman or a man.  This rise we are speaking of is about the feminine energy in all of us.  However, women in particular are feeling it more powerfully.  We are stepping out of an age of masculine dominion (again we’re speaking of the energy here) and into one where the feminine presence is more harmoniously balanced.  Woman is feeling a deepening of her feminine qualities - a sharpening of her feminine senses. 

For those of us who are already quite sensitive, it means that we may be experiencing the emerging sensations that woman are feeling, in a more powerful way.  We may be picking up on things that others are not yet sensing.  We may be sensing the ethereal energies in a way others are not.  We may be seeing things that others don’t see.  We may be hearing things that others are not hearing.  We may know things that seem impossible to know.  Our dreams are becoming more powerful and possibly more prophetic.  While this can be a wondrous and magical experience, it can be quite overwhelming.  Especially when we have no reference for what we’re experiencing and there may not be anyone in our lives who quite gets what we’re going through.

The first thing I want to say is that you’re not alone.  There are others of us out there.  There are many.  It’s just that we’re not talking about what we’re going through.  We haven’t found a safe space to speak about it - or it hasn’t been time.  But such a space is coming and such a time is NOW.

In the meantime, there are some things you can do to ease the fears and calm the overwhelm.

  • Trust that you are not alone.  You have not been given these gifts and then been abandoned.  You are surrounded by support even if you are not yet aware of it.

  • Trust yourself more than ever.  Trust that the messages you are receiving are true and real.  Trust your whims and impulses no matter how illogical they are.  Allow yourself to begin to recognize your Soul’s guidance.

  • Surround yourself with harmonious energies - the purest of materials will most times be the gentlest on your body, mind and spirit - but if your Soul guides you to synthetics over organics, trust that too.

  • Create a sacred space for yourself that you designate as your sanctuary when you are feeling overcome by a myriad of energies.  It need not be elaborate.  It could be as simple as a small spot - a chair with a special pillow and throw - that you have personally chosen for your peaceful place.  Do not be afraid to claim it as your very own and let others know that this is your special space.  Your declaration may be inspiration for others to create their own sanctuary.

  • Honour your body and what you put into it.  Just as you trust yourself, trust your body.  It will guide you to what it needs most - to what is best for you.  This takes a conscious choice and it can require quite a lot of energy - especially at first, as you’re beginning to shift out of old patterns.

  • Release your expectations about others understanding you.  Many will not.  It doesn’t mean they will not come to understand or that they won’t accept you.  You don’t have to share everything about yourself with everyone.  You will know who to trust with your sacred transformation.

  • Begin to live your life as if you are the special, powerful Soul that you are.  You must honour yourself and the gifts you have been given.  They are special; as are you. There is purpose to the magic you are being shown - even if it has not yet been revealed to you.

I know that you want someone to tell you that what you’re feeling is real and you are not crazy.  That much I can do for you right now - right here.  I know too that you are searching for someone who understands what’s happening to you so that they can explain it to you.  I can help you with that to - but not in the way that you might be wanting. 

You will not find the answers you are seeking from others outside yourself.  What’s happening is an inner process.  It is a sacred, magical, wondrous metamorphosis that is happening outside of the parameters of the physical construct - so you won’t find explanations or instructions in physical form.  There may be physical guides who can offer techniques or physical remedies that can ease the transition as you remember how to hear (listen to) your inner guidance,  You can begin with that, but at one point, you will have to cut all the strings that tether you to outside influences and distractions and walk out into this world under your own sovereignty.   That’s when you’ll finally get the answers you’re seeking.


This month’s blog may not specifically be about crystals but as I’m writing this, their energy is shining through to remind us that they can help us through this transition into ...

“light guide”

That’s what they’re calling us.  Light Guides.  They say that our gifts are rising to the surface at this time because they are being called for ... it’s as if they are being pulled by some universal force - like 2 magnets attracting each other.  It’s a natural evolutionary process that has been stimulated by an encoded sequence that has now been activated.

The stone beings say:

“You are amongst the first.
The light of your souls will be guides for those that follow.

You are light guides.”

The stones have been sending me messages in unexpected ways lately.  They are being more vocal - they’re getting LOUDER.  I don’t know if it’s that I’m hearing them more clearly or they have more to say at this time.  It seems that they have been purposefully connecting at specific times, outside the "usual" ways I hear their songs, to reveal their messages to my heart ... like with this blog entry.  They are also sharing their messages in new ways, like Ruby’s song about money, “From Rags to Riches” which came through as ebook.

I expect this is just the beginning.

lots of love   :  ) 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Sweetness of Surprise

There are so few surprises in our lives.  I mean “true” surprises – the good kind.  The kind that makes our face break out into a smile.  A real time smile – not a practiced one that hurts your cheeks – not an expected one.  One that starts in the heart and moves through your entire body.

It’s not because there aren’t surprises out there for us that we don’t experience them often.  It’s because we don’t allow them in.  We have become so good at controlling every aspect of our lives that there is no room for surprise.  And so the only surprises we tend to get are the ones we don’t want – the things in our lives that we can’t control.  So is it any wonder that we come to dread and fear surprises.  We even often tell the universe we DON’T want surprises, and the Universe responds in kind.  How many times have you heard yourself say ..

“please no surprises”

You can’t have surprise and control in the same moment.  In order to experience surprise you must let go of any control you have in that moment.  That is where the fear and hesitation stems from - humans don’t like feeling out of control - not one bit.  In order to enjoy the surprise you must let go of expectations and THAT is why we are never happy with what comes in a moment of surprise.  Unless of course the surprise meets our expectation and then it’s not really a surprise, is it?  You see, expectation is a form of control.

I just SURPRISED myself with that realization … I never truly thought about it this way before.  It’s easy to see expectation as the opposite of control – of being “out of control”.  It’s about wanting something that’s beyond our control.  That’s because our expectations are most often about outside stuff – other people, circumstances, even the weather.  But in truth, expectation IS our way of having some sort of control  We can’t control what’s going to happen but we can control what we EXPECT to happen.

The universe rarely meets us in our expectation, because from a space of control, we don’t allow its powers in.  We can get very frustrated then when we see things flowing so beautifully for other people and we wonder why it is that we struggle so hard and yet nothing goes the way we want.  That could be because the other people are ALLOWING things to happen rather than trying to control them into being.  You’ve no doubt noticed that when you let things happen naturally, they usually go much better than when you are trying to control them.  It’s definitely much less stressful and certainly more fun.

So how do we go about letting go of control and allowing the universe to surprise us once in a while.  Well we begin with small things at first.  Practice letting go of expectations with something small - something that you don’t have to invest too much in.

The stone beings can help us with releasing our control in many ways.  Simply in their presence, they inspire us to be in the moment – where there is no control.  They support us in beginning to let go of control and they do that in a very loving and accepting space.  I asked the stone beings which of them would specifically support our becoming open to the flow of life and to it’s wondrous surprises.  OPAL began to sing - especially the opal with the inner fire.  They are perfect physical manifestations of SURPRISE, for you can look at them and see a simple stone and then in the next moment be gifted with a burst of rainbow colour.  How perfect is that.   That is what you call a surprise.

The stones in their playful spirit inspired me to offer you a fun way to experience surprise.  Next time you are shopping for a new stone, allow the stone(s) to choose you, rather than you choosing them, and see what happens.  If you can be open, you will receive 2 gifts – the gift of surprise and the gift they offer in their presence and in their message – one that you wouldn’t have received if you didn’t trust them to choose you.  This is about spontaneity – about having fun – about letting go – about trusting in the universe.  Song of Stones offers an option to choose a surprise crystal in any price range from $10 and up.  This is an easy and fun way to bring a sweet surprise into your life - with very little investment.  Give surprise another chance.  Choose to be surprised.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Have you ever felt lost?

Have you ever felt lost.   Lost in your own life.  Going through all the motions of the daily routines yet feeling somehow they are unfamiliar to you.  You travel on a path that you happened upon or were even strongly guided to take.  And even when the scenery changes, there is something comfortable about it because you are still on the same path.  Over time, your road has become worn and easy to tread upon.  It’s familiar and you know your way.  But then something rises up inside you - an empty feeling - a feeling as if something is missing.  It may even feel as if there’s something you’re forgetting but you don’t know what. 

You don’t realize that these feelings come up because you’re searching for something.  You may not even realize that you are even searching because all you know is only what you’ve been exposed to during the journeys along your path.  Even if you are aware of your search, you don’t realize that the reason you’re not finding what you’re looking for is because it’s outside the reach of your stride.  It may only be a fraction of a degree off of your course but it’s out of your line of vision and you just can’t see it. 

It may just be that at this time you are called to leave your comfort zone and beat down the brush and create a new path that will take you in the direction that allows you to see that which was not visible from where you were.

I’ve been feeling this way lately ... sensing a change but not knowing what it was ... being called to just let go and trust in what is to come ... not knowing when or from where the change will come but simply having to be prepared for it when it does.  Perhaps it’s a seasonal thing.  Or perhaps it’s a universal thing rather than personal thing.  I’ve come to see that we are so interconnected that when one of us is sensing something often times many of us are feeling the same thing.  (After I typed this blog I received a post from a facebook friend with a cute quote about being LOST!  I love when the Universe sends confirmation.)

So, in case you guys are feeling lost too ... if you are feeling that same anxiety that arises from the changing seasons or the uneasiness that stems from the moments where life takes us in a new direction, whether it be willingly or kicking and screaming ... I have something to offer that can help ease the physical and emotional discomforts that spring from those changes.  That offering is the presence of the stone beings.

The stone beings can be a great support in shifting to a new path.  They support us through our fear of change and through the stresses that comes with it.  They help us to connect with our deeper self so that we can tap into the guidance that illuminates the way.  They help us to connect to the stillness so that we can hear our guidance.  They can help ground when we feel as if we are floating away.  They can help us connect to other sources of support as well, like our ethereal guides - angels, fairies, animal totems and the like.  Mostly our crystalline friends help us to understand and know ourselves so that we can be present and aware of the openings to new pathways as they appear. 

One of the most valuable and beneficial things about being in the presence of the stone beings during times of transition, is being exposed to their natural state of peacefulness amidst chaos.  Attuning to that vibration can help us to accept the “chaos” (feeling out of control) during the state of “now knowing” so we can see that this “in-between” time is possibly the most precious and the most beautiful.  It’s like spring and autumn - the seasons are changing - there is no order to the days.  Sometimes it feels like summer and sometimes like winter.  The temperatures change by extremes from one day to the next, teasing us with tastes of what is coming or what has gone.  But if we let go of the disorder and allow ourselves to see the magnificence of the emerging colours that are a byproduct of the change, then we get such a gift.  The beauty that arises during the shift IS THE POINT of this time in limbo.  If we can see that, then the anxiety and fears and dread and boredom fizzle away and this painful pause can become a wondrous vacation and even an exciting adventure.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Ruby - Rags to Riches

The paradigm of worth/value in our universe is about to shift.  Before it does, the Universe requires us to experience the full spectrum of the effects of this monetary system.  Many of us at this time are experiencing lack ... and it doesn’t matter what tax bracket you are sitting in.  The feelings of debt and lack can visit any of us, no matter the outer appearance.

There is so much fear that arises around our current value system of money.  Fear of not having it, fear of not having enough, fear of losing what we do have.  Amazingly, having a lot of money does not guarantee us the security we are seeking, as the more we have, there more there to lose and the farther down on the social scale there is to fall (as social status is often determined by financial standing).  So we may experience as much, or more fears when we have lots of money.

Many of us spend our entire lifetime worrying over money, whether it is that we don’t have any, we don’t have enough, we don’t know what to do with it when we do have it, we’re afraid of losing what we have or losing our source of income.  Many times, our anxieties and worries are really unsubstantiated.  We create a scenario that is not even real.  We can look back on our lives and see the truth in that.  How many times have we worried over money and then later on realized that we were much better off than we thought we were.  Money is one of our societies greatest worries.  Even as a whole, we have many financial concerns, ie. national debt, unemployment, high cost of living, etc.

I hadn’t noticed the societal fears over money as much in previous years as I do now.  I don’t know if I’ve just had more to worry about personally and so I am noticing it more now, or it has gotten worse over the past decade or so ... but I think it’s the latter.  And our fears seem to have intensified.  There is so much more anxiety and stress in our society these days and I do believe that financial worries are a big part of that.  Despite the fact that I hear people share their concerns over the cost of living and the bills they need to pay, and low incomes, I don’t believe that we fully express the true and full depth of our fears and anxieties and insecurities around money. 

I asked for a crystal to step forward to offer support in this time of transition as we move into greater awareness and expanded perspectives on true value.  Ruby began to sing.  Ruby!  How perfect!  Especially Ruby in her raw, natural, sacred hexagonal shape.  Ruby’s hexagonal form mirrors the honeycomb of the beehive, which as Darwin once wrote,
" ... is a masterpiece of engineering.  It is "absolutely perfect in economizing labor and wax."  
How perfect is that!  Ruby is an ideal representation of our view of our value system.  She is priced higher than other stones because she has been given the designation “precious”.  Other rarer or more beautiful stones may be overlooked because Ruby is more greatly cherished.  Value is decided and agreed upon as a collective.  What happens in this kind of system, is that many other beautiful forms, material and otherwise, are overlooked.  In that system, we sometimes throw away treasures and pay greatly for things that are not even real.

Placing her value aside, Ruby has many beautiful qualities that connect to and can support our fears and understanding around value and money (they are 2 very separate things).  We have spoken about her sacred shape, which is so completely connected to our monetary system with it’s economical shape.  Bees get more honey with the least waste into this shape than any other.  If only we would follow their example with our own economy.  Then there is Ruby’s deep blood red colour which corresponds to the base chakra - our basest drives and desires - our survival instinct.  This chakra is at the heart of our fight for life - and in our society that is all about money.  Then there is her density.  She is a heavy stone and can offer us the grounding that we need when we are feeling insecure and without structure as we do in these times of economical uncertainty.

These are just the simple, basic qualities of our Ruby guide.  Ruby shares much more in her song.  Ruby shared much wisdom in that song about the perspective of Money and the paradigm shift.  She helps us to understand what is at the heart of our issues around money.  I recorded the song and when it is completed, the information on how to get it will be available on the website.

It’s no wonder Ruby has, over the centuries, been a stone of Royalty. 

While I was typing up the listing for the Ruby Crystals and the Ruby Star Songs, I “accidentally” typed the $ instead of the R for Ruby.  The $ is just above the R.  There was nothing subtle about that message.  It was a wonderful little confirmation of the connection between Ruby and Riches.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Crystals in Dreams

I was lazing in bed this morning, too comfortable to get up.  I told myself I’d do some of my work while I lay there.  I had been looking for a topic for this month’s blog and I asked for inspiration.  I drifted off to sleep, into a dream.  In this dream I was beginning my day outdoors.  It was a beautiful day ... blue skies ... fresh air.  There was a tap outside and I began to wash my hands.  I noticed that growing all over my palms on both my hands were beautiful white crystals (calcite I believe).  I was amazed at these crystals on my hands.  I was showing the people I encountered outside ... look at these crystals on my hands ... look at this incredible sight ... but no one else seemed to notice or to be interested.  I found it quite surprising that the others didn’t see the magic here.  So I gave up the idea that anyone other than me would be blown away by this wondrous event.  I continued in my morning regimen and went to wash my hands and as I did the crystals fell off.

When I woke up I knew I had the topic for today’s blog.  What is it they say ... ask and you shall received.  I said a thanks to the Universe.  I “washed” up again, this time awake, and then came right down to the computer to record this blog entry.

So what does this mean.  What does it mean when crystals show up in our dreams.  The thing about dreams is that Calcite crystals showing up in my dream may be about something completely different than if they showed up in someone else’s dream.  Such is the way of dreams.  Though such is the way of the waking state too.  You see I can be drawn to a Calcite Crystal and it can help me in remembering a dream for instance; and Mimi can be drawn to the same Calcite crystal, only for her the crystal works on a sensitivity issues she’s been experiencing.  Whether awake or asleep, it seems that we’re each unique beings having a unique experience.

Maybe the Calcite Crystals in the dream are symbolic and have nothing to do with actual “CRYSTALS”.  I can tell you that Calcite is a calcium carbonate and that is an oft used homeopathic remedy.  Last night someone called to ask me if they knew what homeopathic remedy to take for a fever.  Calc. carb. happens to be one of the many remedies that can help with fever.  Perhaps that’s what the dream was telling me.  However, dreams are often multi-layered and even if the dream was about the remedy there may be much more there for me to discover.  If I explore the dream more deeply I may find many clues and messages as to what it means. 

Sometimes it can work the other way.  Crystals can show up in our dream as something else.  I’ll never forget a dream I had about 13 snakes.  I later discovered that the dream was really about 13 snakeskin agate stones that were singing a beautiful song.  I never would have thought at the time that the snakes were representative of crystals.

I can’t give you a dictionary for interpreting what specific crystals mean when they show up in our dreams.  It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t look up the metaphysical descriptions of the stone.  There might be a message there for us.  Even if it is only a small part of the meaning of the dream.  For instance, I looked up the metaphysical meaning of Calcite and what I found was very relevant to something that I’m exploring in my life at this moment:
Calcite releases electrical impulses when placed under pressure, and is an energy amplifier.  It is said to help the mind and body to remember:  The, mind to remember information brought to bear during astral travel and channeling experiences;  the body, to remember the state of perfection during dis-ease in order to return to the natural state of flawlessness.

Calcite's most important lesson is the "art of being".  Its true significance cannot be grasped by the mind.  It extends beyond linear mental association and into the realm of true knowing.  When attuning to and working with Calcite, it is best to simply be with it, allowing yourself to become clear and open.
Both of these metaphysical properties of Calcite are very important messages for me at the moment.  Actually they are also both connected, as I have been discovering that it is the “art of being” that helps us to “remember”.  It was a beautiful reminder of my summer’s “work” in a moment of forgetfulness.  You see, I have been very frustrated recently because I’ve been trying to get something typed up and my keyboard broke.  I made a long trip out of town to get an ergonomic keyboard that would help make the typing easier and now I find that it doesn’t work with my computer.  I’ve been feeling as if this was blocking me from my work.  Really, my true work for the summer - which came in a very clear message - was to REMEMBER.  Actually the message was specifically that this was going to be the summer of “remembering”.  And now the Universe has sent me a little “reminder”, in the form of Calcite Crystals through a dream.  Now that I think about it the crystals were on both hands - my personal instruments for typing - surely that is not a coincidence.

Something else you can do, and something I believe is much more personal than looking up dictionary meanings, is to connect with the stone that is showing up for you.  The stone will have much more for you than what you’ll find in any metaphysical crystal book.  Take the stone into a space of stillness and listen to its message.  It may be something quite different than you’ll find any any book and it will be profoundly more meaningful.  I offer more information on “the art of listening to the stones” on the Song of Stones website if you want to explore that more deeply.

So I can’t give you clear “definitions” of what certain crystals mean when they show up in your dream; and I’m also telling you that even the metaphysical meanings might not be relevant; plus I’m saying that a “crystal might not be a crystal” but a “snake” might be a crystal.  So how helpful is that!  How are you supposed to make sense of your dreams.  Rest assured that I will give you something that is much more valuable than any collection of dream symbols.  That is to tell you to TRUST IN YOU. 

Dreams, in my understanding, are a powerful way in which we communicate with ourselves and in which the Universe speaks to us.  The best way to understand our dreams is to understand ourselves.  When we explore our dreams, we are learning about ourselves.  When we know ourselves, our dreams become much clearer.  Now I know this blog is about crystals in our dreams, but the great thing about the stone beings is that they are a beautiful source of support in exploring our dreams from remembering them, to lucid dreaming, to interpretation.  So whether we are dreaming of  crystals or not, they can help us to understand our dreams.

I shared my personal experiences openly here in the hopes that it might hold some meaning for you.  Dreams and Crystals are both great loves of mine.  So bringing the two together is extra special.  If you love exploring your dreams, or would like to begin to explore your dreams, please get in touch and let me know as I am currently in the process of organizing a dream share group.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Mother's Love

When we hear the term “A Mother’s Love”, it conjures up within us thoughts of a sweet, beautiful, unconditional love.  A love that is full and deep and never ending.  That is the archetypal image which seems to have formed around the concept of Mother.  We may not all experience that sweet stereotype in our own personal story, but I would guess that it is what we feel we should have or what we would want in a mother.  No matter who we are in this world, we have all had an experience with Mother Love.  Whether we had a mother figure present in our lives or not, we have had an experience of “mother”, even if that experience was of her in an absentee role.  However the story with our mother played out, that experience colours our perception of what a mother’s love is.

The beautiful label we’ve put on Mother Love carries within it a thorn.  It holds a painful prick that we are almost certain to feel.  There is something in each of us that feels an abandonment from our physical mother at some point in our lives.  Whether we are aware of it or not, whether it was devastating to us or not ... there was an experience of this somewhere in the timeline of our present existence.  That’s because also somewhere deep inside of us is a faint memory of a deep, pure love that we’ve branded onto MOTHER.  That remembrance of this indelible feeling ingrained in our Souls sends us on a search to recapture it.  We may or may not be aware that we are even on this quest.  We also might not realize that what we seek is not a physical mother love.  It is a DIVINE one.  No physical, earthly love can simulate true DIVINE MOTHER LOVE.  So when we search for that love outside of ourselves, we end up feeling empty.  Even the human physical love of a mother - the most powerful of the earthly loves - cannot simulate the Divine Love that we crave.

I’ve been hearing whispers of a message about this Mother Love coming through so powerfully lately.  The message is this ...

“We have not been able to experience this Divine Mother Love as a physical presence in this world ... UNTIL NOW.  It’s not that the DIVINE MOTHER LOVE has not been present.  It has been.  It can’t not be present for it is what the physical world is built of.  It’s that we have not been in harmony with that love so we have not been able to feel it (most of us that is anyway).” 

It seems that things have shifted and we are able to match the vibration of Mother Love much more easily.  I don’t know if that’s because the physical vibration of the earthly realm has risen or if it is due to the thinning of the veils between worlds that allow us to expand into the special heart vibration, or if it is something else entirely.  I do feel, as many of you light workers have been feeling that it’s been easier to bridge the worlds.  It’s been easier to tap into the Universal Energy field.  We’re able to do, see, sense, feel much more than we were even just a few short years ago, including this heavenly, motherly love.

The Stone Beings can be a great source of support as we make the shift into opening to this Divine Mother Love that we have been craving and that we have been searching for.  The Stone Beings, in my experience, are the closest vibration to this beautiful, unconditional, accepting love that can be found in physical form.  So it is fitting to have them as guides on that journey inward into the heart space.  I would love to name specific stones suited to that intent, but it really doesn’t work that way.  A simple river stone can be the one that helps you to connect, or it might be a rare crystalline being that does it for you.  That’s why it’s always best to follow your heart and choose based on the one that you feel most drawn to because THAT ONE will be the BEST ONE for you.

Having said that ... I will mention that the stones of the GREEN ray can offer a wonderful source of support into the expansion of the heart and I’ve been guided to list more and more of the heart coloured stones.  I’ve also been inspired to list more beautiful Thulite Stones of Angelic Support so those are now back in stock.  And synchronistically, Tiffany Stone has been singing of this heart vibration.  Tiffany Stone is an opalized Fluorite.  Opal and Fluorite have both come forward as support stones for the expansion of the feminine heart (see the Song of Stones April Blog, Fluorite’s Song of Woman’s Heart.)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I’ve been feeling quite “scattered” lately for lack of a better word.  I’ve been trying to get this blog out and the newsletter.  I’ve also been trying to complete a listing of some very special stone beings who have been sharing a song about the SACRED TRINITY.  I just couldn’t seem to get any of it done.  It seemed that every time I began to work on it, there would be another distraction.  I wondered if this “scatteredness” was possibly connected to global/universal things.  I had noticed I was not the only one feeling this way ... I was hearing from others that they were feeling “scattered” too.  So I took a little look to see what the Planets were up to and I found something interesting.  We happened to be in the midst of a rare “PLANETARY TRIO”.  A triangular alignment of 3 planets, that were bright enough to for us to see with the naked eye.  And it was happening NOW ... at this very moment.  It had actually been going on for several days - in sync with my “scattered” feeling.  TODAY WAS THE FINAL DAY!  And now it seems suddenly I’m able to complete everything.  Of course this discovery was connected to the SACRED TRINITY wisdom that the stones were sharing.  The Universe always surprises me in this way.  It was offering me a reflection of that TRINITY from above! 

Jupiter (l), Venus (bottom) and Mercury on May 26, 2013  as captured from Deming, New Mexico by EarthSky Facebook friend Dan Gauss.
If you want to know more about this triangular alignment here’s a link I found that has some great information:
“The rare astronomical coincidence of a spectacular triangular triple conjunction of 3 bright planets happening right now is certainly wowing the entire World of Earthlings!  Right at sunset, our Solar System’s two brightest – Venus and Jupiter – as well as the sun’s closest planet Mercury are very closely aligned for about a week in late May 2013 – starting several days ago and continuing throughout this week.

Read more: http://www.universetoday.com/102441/rare-spectacular-triple-planet-conjunction-wows-world-astrophoto-gallery/#ixzz2Ui5fQr3K

Some refer to this a triple conjunction, but really it’s just three separate conjunctions happening over a few days. A better name for this event is planetary trio.”
There are many swirls of shifting energies that we have been experiencing in this powerful year of 2013 that may have also made us feel “scattered” or unsettled or overwhelmed.  And there are more to come, I’m sure.  This is a powerful year.  A year of many shifts in all aspects of our physical existence.

Those who are sensitive to the subtle energies are finding that the way in which they feel energy is shifting and these energies that they are sensing seem to be magnified.  Those who are not normally this sensitive and aren’t usually aware of energetic shifts are feeling things they’ve never experienced before.  It can be intense, confusing and overwhelming to all - to both those who are aware of the subtle energies and to those who have previously lived their lives through a more solid perspective.  The lines between physical density and subtle ethereal energies is thinning and the boundaries blurring.  As the veils between our worlds thin, more and more of us are opening to the spiritual side of our existence.  With that comes the opening up to energies we weren’t aware existed before.

As our world expands, the turbulent swirls of energies can feel like invisible storms which can feel like barriers blocking our path.  However, the Universe is wise and kind to us because as there are more and more of these turbulent energy storms in our world, so too are we gifted with greater guidance and support through those transformative events.  Our Earth Mother and the ethereal beings send us lots of love and protection during those shifts.  The Stone beings have been sent to help guide and support us through these intense shifts we’re experiencing.  If we are open to them and allow them to help us, they can lead us through the energy vortexes, gently, gracefully and free of fear.  Our stone friends can help in many ways,  They can help us to release our resistance, which makes the path easier to travel upon.  They can help us to understand what is happening so we can move through it without anxiety.  These are just a couple of the ways in which their presence can ease our journey.  They offer us wisdom, support, guidance and love.  We are able to feel the love and protection of our Earth Mother through her stone children.  She sent them here to support us.  It is up to us to accept the gift.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Fluorite's song of Woman's Heart

Fluorite has been singing to me.  Not a whispered song either.  It has been coming through loudly and powerfully.  I took it with me into the stillness at a gathering of women.  Sisters of Spirit who come together to explore the inner realms.  The feminine energy was quite vividly felt, but what I sensed was a greater presence than just that of this circle of women.  It was a powerful feminine force.  I later realized that what I was feeling was the collective feminine energy of WOMAN.  All women - the first to the last - past present and future.  It was utterly powerful and powerfully beautiful.

Fluorite, joined by Polar Bear and a giggling green elf shared a message.  I thought the message was for those of us gathered, but I see now it was for any woman ... for all women.  The message came through with beautiful and amusing imagery.

First came an image of a magnificent Polar Scene.  A vast frozen majestic landscape at the start of spring.  The Ice had begun to melt, releasing a powerful flow of water.  The power of this shifting energy of Ice into water was grand.  As spectacular as the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a winged beauty.  The ice is, after all, a BEING changing form.  It is no less a metamorphosis than the butterfly’s.  Perhaps it is grander as the ice continuously transforms with the changing of the seasons ... water to ice and then back to water.  We don’t see the butterfly changing back into a caterpillar!

Encoded in this stunning imagery was a multi-dimensional perspective.  A view beyond what could be seen with 3d vision.  As the ice warmed and released it’s frozen form something happened that was spectacular in it’s energy.  I couldn’t put words to it at the time.  I was mesmerized by what was unfolding.  I still don’t know if I can describe it, but I will try.  As the frozen landscape was warmed by spring’s thaw, water began to flow.  Slowly at first, in gentle trickles, but soon it would gain mass and momentum.  This once frozen landscape went from a peaceful stillness to a lively movement.  This movement initiates a shift that affects so many others of this icy terrain ... all interconnected - all woven into the fabric of this landscape. 

As powerful as that image was in all that it held, I didn’t receive the full impact of it until the next image came.  One seemingly unrelated at first.  It began with a song in my head ...

“ you’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch ... “

So that was who the Green Elf was!  I asked him who he was when he first appeared and he slyly informed me that I would find out, giggling as he spoke the words.  The Universe constantly catches me by surprise with the way it brings its messages through.  So clever.  I find myself giggling too now.

The next image was that of the Grinch’s frozen heart melting from the warmth of the tears of the sweet little Who girl who had befriended him.  Her heart broken at the realization of his betrayal mirrored his own deep pain.  It is an archetypal image.  It is an image that we immediately relate to.  We need no description or elaboration.  We get it.

Two images revealed two frozen spaces, each melted by the warmth of a spark.  The frozen landscape, warmed by the spark of spring and the frozen heart, melted by the spark of a little girl’s heart.

The message that was then given was that ...

the frozen layers
we have placed around our heart,
put there to protect us from heartbreak,
are melting.

It was not until much later that it dawned on me that this message was for WOMAN.  Not just for the women who were there at the time this message was received, but for all women.  The heart of the Collective feminine energy is releasing the barriers once placed there for our protection and it is EXPANDING.  WOMAN is opening up to experience love in a way she has not felt since she arrived to this physical existence ... and we get to feel that!

So if you are feeling sadness in this time and you don’t know where it came from, be aware that what you may be feeling is your own heart EXPANDING into a new energy of LOVE.  Celebrate this sadness for it will open you up to something wondrous.  As your heart radiates that brilliant rainbow coloured love out into the world, something surprising will happen.  That love will flow back to you magnified exponentially.

First you must allow the ice to melt.  First you must allow the tears to flow out as you take new form.  And when that love is reflected back, you will be able to fly!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Art of Stillness

There are times in our lives that require us to be still.  Sometimes for the level of stillness that our current life’s creation calls for, the Universe does not give us a choice.  Sometimes we are forced into that still place.  Sometimes we get a flu that “knocks us off our feet”.  Sometimes we twist an arm or break a foot and we are “cast” into staying still.  There are many different scenarios that can force us into stillness but what remains consistent is our resistance to the stillness.  It’s when we resist that the Universe steps in - sometimes with gentle coaxing and sometimes we are not offered a choice.  Perhaps our resistance comes from our societal beliefs that we need to be productive ... and if we are not “doing something” we are not being productive.  Perhaps it is our fear of what might rise up from this still space that keeps us from it.  Whatever the reason may be, it is our resistance that causes the Universe to intervene.  Something to keep in mind though is that when the Universe steps in, it’s always from a place of love.  It’s easy to forget this when we view the experience from a place of suffering.

I’d like to share with you an experience I had recently that exemplifies this.  Please keep in mind that what I share with you here is my own personal experience and my opinions based on those experiences.  I don’t ask that you take what I say as absolute truth.  I simply share what I have learned with an open heart. 

It began with a small reaction on my hand that became aggravated by water (except for the Star Songs, which amazingly enough helped the reaction and eased the burn and the itch - even though essentially I was doing the very thing that caused an aggravation - pouring water on it).  The more wet my hand became, the more inflamed the reaction became and the bigger it got.  I tried using gloves when I needed to be around water, but even the moisture that was created between the waterproof material and my skin proved to aggravate my hand.  It was clear that what was needed by my hand in this time was to be dry, but I did not listen.  So my hand became more and more aggravated until it got to a point where the Universe intervened ... where the natural order took over to create what the Universe always creates ... balance and harmony.  My hand began to ooze and crust over and it created EXACTLY what my hand needed.  A cover to keep it dry and this stiff crust kept it still.

The Universe gently coaxed me at first with a small reaction, but now I was at a point where I no longer had the choice to keep my hand dry and still.  I couldn’t move my hand - literally.  It was as if it was in a cast - one created by the Gaia, but a cast nevertheless and for all the intents and purposes of one.  It was my right hand that was affected and I was right handed.   There was very little I was able to do.  I couldn’t do the dishes.  I couldn’t prepare meals.  I couldn’t type.  I couldn’t take pictures of the stones.  I couldn’t create listings.  It’s amazing how much I needed my right hand to do almost everything.  So here I was with lots of energy and inspiration and so much to be done and I couldn’t do anything.  If I say I was frustrated it would be an understatement.

When I finally began to listen to what the Universe was calling for, my suffering eased.  When I accepted what was needed of me to ease the reaction in my hand, it settled down.  But it was when I finally began to trust myself that things really shifted.  I had to come to a place of stillness before I was able to hear the still small voice within.  The voice that had the answers I needed.  While I was in that place of resistance there was too much internal noise from the struggle for me to hear myself.

What does any of this have to do with the Stone Beings ... well I’m just getting to that.  The stones are masters at the art of being still.  They are the very personification of stillness.  They have much to teach us about it.  Stillness (for the purposes of our discussion) isn’t about “not moving”.  Not moving is not the same thing as Being Still.  Being Still is a movement.  “Being” is a movement.  A movement that is not necessarily SEEN with the physical eye but a movement nonetheless.  When we look at the stone beings they appear to be “not moving”.  They are still but there is definitely movement there.  They are “being”. 

The stones can teach us much about this art of stillness.  And it is an “art”.  These Earth Elders are very generous in sharing their wisdom and experience.  They can help us through those times in our lives where we find ourselves forced into not moving and they can show us how to be still.  They can show us the movement in the stillness.  They can show us, not only how to get through something that can make us feel helpless and contained, but to come to a place of actually finding joy in that space.

The Stone Beings did that for me.  They showed me how to be still.  How to simply “be”.  They showed me that I can find peace in this stillness.  They showed me that I can find joy and pleasure from that sacred space.  I don’t know that it was any one stone in particular who helped me through that period of stillness.  I believe it was the many years of being around the stones ... a cumulative process.  It’s like being in the presence of a brilliant teacher for many years.  Some things are picked up simply by being around the teacher.  Teachings passed on naturally without purpose or intention.

You don’t have to be an expert in the subtle energies to glean this wisdom from the Stone Beings.  You don’t need to be a spiritual master.  You don’t have to be able to “hear” the song of stones.  You don’t have to be able to “feel” energy or see auras.  All that is required is an open heart and a willingness to be in the presence of the stones.  That’s all it takes.  You don’t have to wait until the next time you find yourself with a flu or a sprained ligament or sore muscle ... or any other scenario where the Universe forces you into a period of stillness.  You can do it now.  You can learn how to “be”.  You can learn how to enjoy the stillness and so when you find yourself in a place of having to stop doing and start “being”, you can do it with a greater sense of peace and perhaps even joy.

The stones taught me something else that helped me move through my experience.  they taught me about trusting myself.  It was “being” that allowed me to get through the experience with peacefulness and eventually even joy.  But it was that inner trust that shifted things with my hand.  There is much more to say about how the stones teach us to trust ourselves - but that is for another time.

Friday, February 22, 2013


I’d been co-creating stone circles for several years now and it appears to be time to give voice to the process.  It is time to speak of the purpose and intention of these harmonious symphonies of stone.  When I speak of stone circles I’m speaking of a purposeful gathering of more than 1 stone.  It can be a duet, a trio or a symphony of any number of stones.

What are Stone Circles

Stone circles are a gathering of crystalline spirits and stone beings in a co-created, orchestrated movement.  It is a harmony of many elements - an alignment of time, space and purpose.  Though by appearances it may seem that I am choosing and moving the stones into place, what is truly happening is this ....

Someone calls out to the stones to come forth
in support of a transformational event in their lives
or in honour of a sacred creation. 
It might be you.
You might not even be aware that you’ve put out this call,
as it may be a silent call - a call from the soul.
Sometimes the stone circles come into creation
even before the call has been made.

The stones sing in answer of the call. 
Their song is unlike any other of this earth. 
Their song, like your call, is silent to all who are not listening. 
The stone circles come into presence because of a sacred accord.

To hear this sacred song, I must truly listen. 
I must move into a space of complete trust.
I must have an open heart. 
I honour their song in a harmonious gesture
that brings them together in incredible and synchronistic ways. 
My hands may be in motion,
but it is the stone beings and those who put out the call
who guide the movement.
There may be many beings present during this dance.
Ethereal beings like faeries or angels;
or it may be mystical creatures like unicorns or dragons.
What is beyond doubt is an element that is always present
in each and every circle of stones
... l o v e !

So you see, though It seems that I’m choosing and moving the stones into these circles, it is the ones who call for the circle and the stones themselves who are orchestrating the movement.  Though the stone circles come into presence because they have been called, the one(s) who put out the call may not be aware that they have done so.   If you are drawn to a circle, it may be because you have had a part in co-creating it. 


These are very specific and purposeful unions.  I may give them names and speak of their songs, but what matters most is your connection to them.  Their full and complete purpose may only be known and understood by the one who has taken part in their creation ... by you.  And that may only be revealed once the circle is in your presence.  You may know immediately, it may take time, or you may never know.  But it is not important how, when, or even if you come to know the purpose of your stone circle.  What is important is the spark that is created when a connection is made.  The light of that spark holds great magic.  That is why they come to you in a circle.  They come in ceremony.  A ceremony that can only be full and complete when you are in full presence with them - when you complete the circle.

Crystalline Mirrors

Trust is a very important part in the creation of a stone circle.  Just as it takes great trust to hear the song, so too does it take great trust to recognize the circle that you have had a part in co-creating.  If you feel that pull towards a certain stone circle, trust that.  Allow the truth to rise up from your heart and take presence in your thoughts.  Allow yourself to BE WHO YOU ARE.  This is why trusting is so hard for us.  Because we must SEE WHO WE ARE to allow the truth to be known.  Seeing ourselves takes great courage for we are afraid of what we might see.  If we knew that all that we would find is great light powered by great love, we would never again fear looking into the mirror.  When you are drawn to a stone circle’s beauty and brilliance, what you are truly seeing is a reflection of YOU.  You see that is their ultimate purpose for coming into presence ... to show you a part of yourself that you may have forgotten ... to allow you to see that brilliant light that you have been hiding from out of fear.  What’s so wonderful about allowing the stone circles to reflect that piece of yourself, is that they do it in such a gentle and accepting way.  Through that pure unconditional acceptance, they create an opening for you to accept yourself.  Now that is MAGIC!

Friday, January 25, 2013


Let’s talk about acceptance.  It’s a word we use a lot, especially in “spiritual” circles.  It’s one I often use in connection to the Stone Beings.  You have heard me say over and over how loving the stones are and how they offer unconditional acceptance.  But what does that really mean.  What is it to ACCEPT something or someone, really.

I found a quote that captures the essence of acceptance so beautifully. 
to love life, to love it even
when you have no stomach for it
and everything you've held dear
crumbles like burnt paper in your hands,
your throat filled with the silt of it.
When grief sits with you, its tropical heat
thickening the air, heavy as water
more fit for gills than lungs;
when grief weights you like your own flesh
only more of it, an obesity of grief,
you think, How can a body withstand this?
Then you hold life like a face
between your palms, a plain face,
no charming smile, no violet eyes,
and you say, yes, I will take you
I will love you, again.

― Ellen Bass
Now this is what I’m talking about!  That is acceptance.  It’s not about tolerating things, people and circumstances because that is what is expected or because you can’t do anything about it so you might as well make the best of it.  It’s not about joining that which you can’t beat.  It’s about opening up your heart, even when you don’t like what you see or when what you see brings you pain, understanding that what you are truly opening your heart to is simply and purely love.  Opening your heart does not mean you are approving of the wrong actions of another or condoning agonizing circumstances.  No, not at all ... it means that you are beginning to open to the possibility that what has been sent to you may actually come from love, no matter how it appears.

The road that leads to this place of acceptance is a bumpy one.  It’s one that calls us to grope in the dark as we find our way forward.  One that requires us to reach in with both hands and pull out that which is buried in the deepest, darkest holes, not knowing what we’ll be pulling out with it.  If we can stomach the sludge and slime that covers the sparkle of that which lies beneath it, we will be gifted with something that will be ours forever ... truth.  We are asked to play in the dirt if we want to find this truth.  If we want to come to this space of acceptance ... we must muddy our hands.  But we are not asked to do it alone.  The Universe has gifted us with many mediums of support on our search through the thorn covered thickets.  We are guided and protected along the way.  It doesn’t mean we won’t get scratched ... such is the nature of the hero’s journey.  What it means is that we will be held and nurtured through the pain of those scratches.  We will be supported and loved through each step.

These guides show up for us in many different forms.  The stone beings are one such form ... a very beautiful form.  While they guide and support us, they tickle our senses through their many colours and shapes and through their texture and sparkle.  They are the perfect ones to guide us to the state of acceptance because they are all about acceptance ... gentle, quiet, still, pure acceptance.  They ARE acceptance, in the truest sense of the word.

So if you can’t yet open your heart to the terrors that line the path to the gates of acceptance, then open yourself up to the stone beings and allow them to ease the pain and quiet the fears that keep you frozen in the place you now stand.  They are gentle guides into a state of peaceful presence.  They patiently wait with you until you are ready to step forward, supporting and honouring your choices NO MATTER WHAT THEY ARE.
To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow - this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.”
― Elizabeth Gilbert
This is what the stones teach through their very being ... simply through their presence.